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Biltmore Herbarium
Abbreviation: Anonymous, Biltmore Herb.
Editor(s): Anonymous
Range: 1 - over 4000
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Exs URL):
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[2600-?] (#887)
[300-?] (#888)
[800-?] (#889)
[2800-?] (#890)
[600-?] (#891)
[700-?] (#892)
[1000-?] (#893)
[1900-?] (#894)
[1800-?] (#896)
[2500-?] (#897)
[500-?] (#898)
[2100-?] (#899)
[900-?] (#900)
[1700-?] (#901)
[1500-?] (#902)
[100-?] (#903)
[1100-?] (#904)
[1600-?] (#905)
[2700-?] (#906)
[2000-?] (#907)
[1400-?] (#908)
[1300-?] (#909)
[200-?] (#910)
[1200-?] (#911)
[2200-?] (#913)
[2900-?] (#914)
[1 - 751?] (#916)
[unknown] (#930)
[400-?] (#931)
[1-99] (#934)
?opa & Marin, Fl. Moldav. Dobr. Exs. [1 - 300] (#816)
Adamovi?, Pl. Balcan. Exs. [? - ?] (#1)
Agnew & Chalbi-Ka'bi, Exs. Herb. Baghdad. [101 - 199] (#2)
Allen, Fl. Cascade Mount. [1 - ?] (#3)
Alpine Flora of the Southern Rocky Mountains [03 - ?] (#949)
Alpine Flora of the Southern Rocky Mountains [03 - ?] (#950)
Amich, Sanchez Rodriguez & Fernandez Diez, Exs. Sel. Fl. Iber. [1 - ? 100] (#4)
Andersson, Fl. Lappon. Exs. [? - ?] (#5)
Andres, Wirtgen Herb. Fl. Rhen., Ed. Nova [1 - ~ 1200] (#6)
Anio? & Rosta?ski, Fl. Siles. Exs. [901 - 925] (#8)
Anio? & Stojanowska, Fl. Siles. Exs. [826 - 850] (#9)
Anio?, Fl. Siles. Exs. [751 - 775] (#7)
Annenkov, Fl. Mosquen. Exs. [1 - 100 [500]] (#10)
Anonymous, Arkansas Fl. [1 - ?] (#11)
Anonymous, Ed. Horti Bot. Imp. [1 - ?] (#13)
Anonymous, Ed. Horti Bot. Petri Magni [1 - 100 (?)] (#14)
Anonymous, Exs. Embrioph. Brasil. Merid. [1 - ?] (#15)
Anonymous, Exs. Fl. Iberomacaron. Sel. [1 - 300 (in progr.)] (#16)
Anonymous, Fl. ?echoslov. Exs. [1 - 100] (#18)
Anonymous, Fl. Calif. [1 - more than 36.000] (#17)
Anonymous, Fl. Dobr. Exs. [1 - ?] (#19)
Anonymous, Fl. Etrusca Exs. [? - ?] (#20)
Anonymous, Fl. Exs. Bav. [Jan-67] (#21)
Anonymous, Fl. Exs. Gramin. Legumin. Roman. [1 - ? 200] (#22)
Anonymous, Fl. Exs. Reipubl. Bohem. Slov. [1 - ?] (#23)
Anonymous, Fl. Exs. Reipubl. Social. ?echoslov. [1501 - ? 1700] (#24)
Anonymous, Fl. Hung. Exs. [1 - 1000] (#25)
Anonymous, Fl. Iber. Sel. [1 - 300] (#26)
Anonymous, Fl. Japon. Exs. [1 - 700] (#27)
Anonymous, Fl. Neerl. Exs. [1 - ?] (#28)
Anonymous, Fl. Olten. Exs. [1 - 900] (#29)
Anonymous, Fl. Terr. Israel. Exs. [401 - 769] (#30)
Anonymous, Hainan Pl. [? - ~ 10000] (#31)
Anonymous, Herb. Fl. As. Med. [1 - 575] (#32)
Anonymous, Herb. Fl. Eur. [1 - ?] (#33)
Anonymous, Herb. Fl. Loc. France [1 - ?] (#34)
Anonymous, Herb. Fl. Ross. [1 - 200] (#35)
Anonymous, Herb. Fl. Tadzhik. [1 - ? 80] (#36)
Anonymous, Herb. Praha Fl. Exs. [1 - 100] (#37)
Anonymous, Pl. ?echoslov. Exs. [1 - 300] (#39)
Anonymous, Pl. Calif. [1 - ?] (#38)
Anonymous, Pl. Exs. Grayan. [1 - 1500 or more] (#40)
Anonymous, Pl. Ital. Exs. [1 - ? 100] (#41)
Anonymous, Pl. Japon. Exs. [1 - 400] (#42)
Anonymous, Pl. Lignosae Fl. URSS [1 - ?] (#43)
Anonymous, Pl. Part. Eur. URSS [ - ] (#44)
Anonymous, Pl. Saharae Alger. [1 - ?] (#45)
Anonymous, Pl. Suec. [1 - more than 3000] (#46)
Anonymous, Pl. Vasc. Dan. Exs. [1 - ? 600] (#47)
Anonymous, Reliqu. Helfer. [1 - ?] (#48)
Anonymous, Salices Wimmeri Rel. [ - ] (#49)
Anonymous, Scel. Fol. Fasc. [[1] - [~ 100]] (#50)
Anonymous, Ser. Exs. Fl. Aragon. [1 - 100 or more] (#51)
Anonymous, Soc. Bot. Edin. [1 - ?] (#52)
Anonymous, Soc. Cénom. Exs. [1 - more than 3000] (#53)
Anonymous, Soc. Dauph. [1 - ?] (#54)
Anonymous, Soc. Dauph., 2. Sér. [1 - ?] (#55)
Anonymous, Soc. Étude Pl. France [ - ] (#56)
Anonymous, Soc. Roch. 1892 [? - ?] (#57)
Anonymous, Soc. Roch. 1900 [? - ?] (#58)
Anonymous, Soc. Roch. 1902 [? - ?] (#59)
Anonymous, Unio Itin. 1828 [ - ] (#60)
Arènes, Cynarocéph. Fr. [1 - more than 829] (#61)
Arvet-Touvet & Gauthier, Hieracioth. Hispan. [1 - ? 400] (#62)
Arvet-Touvet & Gautier, Hieracioth. Gall. [1 - more than 1600] (#63)
Aseginolaza, Gómez, Monserrat, Morante & Uribe-Echebarría, Pl. Pais Vasco [1 - 200] (#64)
Augustin, Coll. Pl. Medic. [1 - 121] (#65)
Auquier, Soc. Éch. Pl. Vasc. Eur. Bass. Médit. [5833 - 9007] (#66)
Baenitz & Limpricht, Cyper. Junc. [? - ?] (#76)
Baenitz, Deutschl. Gramineen [1 - 174] (#67)
Baenitz, Herb. Amer. [1 - ? 1400] (#68)
Baenitz, Herb. Dendrol. [1 - 1853] (#69)
Baenitz, Herb. Dendrol. Kl. Ausg. [1 - 321] (#70)
Baenitz, Herb. Eur. [? - 10522] (#71)
Baenitz, Herb. N.-Deutsch. Juncaceen [1 - 165] (#72)
Baenitz, Herb. Nord- Mittel-Deutschl. [1 - 170] (#74)
Baenitz, Herb. Norddeutscher Pfl. Ed. 2 [1 - 346] (#73)
Baenitz, N.- Mitteldeutschl. Juncaceen Cyperaceen [1 - 125] (#75)
Baker, Fasc. Hieracia N. Yorksh. [ - ] (#77)
Baker, Herb. Brit. Roses [? - ?] (#78)
Baker, Pl. Crit. Brit. Exs. [? - ?] (#79)
Baker, W. Amer. Pl. [Jan-65] (#80)
Balansa, Pl. Alger. [1 - ?] (#81)
Balansa, Pl. Orient. [1 - ?] (#82)
Baldacci, Fl. Exs. Crnagorae [? - ?] (#83)
Barbaricz & Klokov, Herb. Fl. Reipubl. Ucrain. [101 - 200] (#84)
Barth, Herb. Transsylv. Phanerog. [? - ?] (#85)
Baxter & Ayses, Fl. Thamnensis [? - ?] (#86)
Bebb, Herb. Salicum [1 - ?] (#87)
Beck, Pl. Bosn. Hercegov. Exs. [1 - ? 300] (#88)
Becker, Herb. Viol. Eur. [25-Jan] (#89)
Becker, Violae Exs. [1 - 202] (#90)
Behn, Fl. Chil. [1 - ? 400] (#91)
Behr, Herb. Hierac. [1 - ~ 1200] (#92)
Benedí & Molero, Exs. Fl. Iber. Balear. [1 - 100] (#93)
Benedí & Molero, Exs. Sel. Fl. Iber. Balear. [1 - 100] (#94)
Berdowski, Fl. Siles. Exs. [476 - 500] (#95)
Berdowski, Fl. Siles. Exs. [701 - 725] (#96)
Berdowski, Fl. Siles. Exs. [626 - 675] (#97)
Berdowski, Fl. Siles. Exs. [551 - 575] (#98)
Berdowski, Fl. Siles. Exs. [801 - 825] (#99)
Bergt, Herb. Arzneipfl. [1 - ? 25] (#100)
Berlese & Lunardi, Chermoth. Ital. [1 - 125] (#101)
Bertero, Unio Itin. [ - ] (#102)
Billot, Fl. Gall. Germ. Exs. Herb. Schultz [1 - 1600] (#103)
Billot, Herb. Fontanes. Norm. [1 - 100] (#104)
Bimont, Soc. Franç. Éch. Pl. [1 - ~1350] (#105)
Bischoff, Herb. Norm. Pl. Offic. Mercat. [? - ?] (#106)
Bjurzon, Swenska Fodervext. [1 - [70]] (#107)
Blankinship, Lindheimer Fl. Texana Suppl. [652 - 1283] (#108)
Blytt, Pl. Norveg. [? 20 - ? 100] (#109)
Boas, Biol. Unkrautherb. [ - ] (#110)
Bobrov, Herb. Fl. URSS [4901 - 6300] (#111)
Boggiani, Fl. Verbona-Lepont. [1 - 100] (#112)
Bollow, Blattminen [Jan-40] (#113)
Bonati, Fl. Exs. Neo-Caledon. [1 - ? 800] (#114)
Bonati, Pl. Isl. Maré [? - ?] (#115)
Borbas, Pl. Hung. [? - ?] (#116)
Bordère, Fl. Pyren. [? - ?] (#117)
Bornmüller, Pl. Exs. Anatol. Orient. 1889 [1 - ?] (#118)
Bornmüller, Pl. Exs. Anatol. Orient. 1890 [1 - ?] (#119)
Bornmüller, Pl. Exs. Canar. [? - ?] (#120)
Bornmüller, Pl. Exs. Maderen. [? - ?] (#121)
Bornmüller, Pl. Exs. Serbiae Merid. 1888 [ - ] (#122)
Bornmüller, Pl. Lyd. Cariae Exs. [? - ?] (#123)
Borza & Ghiu??, Cecidoth. Roman. [1 - ? 100] (#126)
Borza, Fl. Roman. Exs. [1 - ? 2800] (#124)
Borza, Gergely & Ra?iu, Fl. Roman. Exs. [3001 - 3300] (#125)
Boulay & Bouly de Lesdain, Rubi Praes. Gall. Exs. [? - ?] (#128)
Boulay, Ass. Rubol. Rubi Exs. [1 - 1202] (#127)
Bourgeau, Env. Toulon. [ - ] (#129)
Bourgeau, Pl. Armen. [1 - ?] (#130)
Bourgeau, Pl. Canar. 1845-46 [? - ?] (#131)
Bourgeau, Pl. Canar. 1855 [? - ? 1600] (#132)
Bourgeau, Pl. Corse [1 - ~ 300] (#133)
Bourgeau, Pl. Espagne [Jan-25] (#134)
Bourgeau, Pl. Espagne Portugal [? - ?] (#135)
Bourgeau, Pl. Lyciae [1 - ? 300] (#136)
BradleyK-SCDNR-NB1 (#953)
Braun, Herb. Ruborum Germ. [146 - 210] (#137)
Braun, Herb. Ruborum Germ. [1 - 145] (#138)
Braun-Blanquet, Fl. Rhaet. Exs. [1 - 1300] (#139)
Brinkmann, Mecklenb. Gräser [1 - 100] (#140)
Britton & Rusby, Pl. Boliv. [1 - ?] (#141)
Broadway, W. Ind. Pl. [1 - ? 100] (#142)
Brotherus, Pl. Lappon. Rar. [Jan-70] (#143)
Buchtien, Herb. Boliv. [1 - 500] (#144)
Buchtien, Herb. Boliv. Suppl. [1 - 200] (#145)
Bunge, Fl. Exs. Liv- Esth- Kurl. [1 - ? 1000] (#146)
Burchard, Pl. Canar. Exs. II [1 - 300] (#147)
Burchard, Pl. Exs. Canar. [1 - 400] (#148)
Busch, Marcowicz & Woronow, Fl. Cauc. Exs. [1 - 225] (#149)
Buser & Schmidely, Herb. Alchimill. [1 - ?] (#150)
Bush, Pl. Indian Terr. [? - ?] (#151)
Bush, Pl. Missouri [? - ?] (#152)
Bush, Pl. Texas [? - ?] (#153)
Callier, Fl. Siles. Exs. [1 - 1350 [717]] (#154)
Callier, Fl. Siles. Exs. NF [1 - 233] (#155)
Callier, Iter Tauricum Sec. [1 - ?] (#156)
Callier, Raap Pl. Hercegov. Exs. [1 - 300] (#157)
Casaseca Mena et al., Fl. Españ. [1 - 300] (#158)
Cesati, Pl. Ital. Bor. [? - ?] (#159)
Ceynowa-Gie?don, Exs. Torun. [251 - 400] (#160)
Charbonnel, Hieracioth. Arvern. [1 - ? 456] (#161)
Charbonnel, Menthae Exs. [1 - ? 186] (#162)
Charbonnel, Roses France [1 - ? 1214] (#163)
Chassagne, Herb. Salicum [1 - ? 250] (#164)
Chevallier, Pl. Saharae Alg. Exs. [1 - ? 650] (#165)
Choulette, Fragm. Fl. Alger. Exs. [1 - 600] (#166)
Clokey, Charleston Mt. Fl. [? - ?] (#167)
Cogniaux & Marchal, Glumacées Belg. [1 - 240] (#168)
Collinder, Ros. Suec. Exs. [[1] - [65]] (#169)
Collins & Fernald, Pl. E. Quebec [1 - 148 ?] (#170)
Costa, Peris & Stübing, Fl. Iber. Orient. Exs. [1 - ?] (#171)
Crépin, Herb. Ros. [1 - more than 400] (#172)
Curtis, Hort. Sicc. Gramin. [? - ?] (#173)
Curtiss, 2nd Distr. Pl. S. US [[1] ? - [900] ?] (#174)
Curtiss, N. Am. Pl. [[1] ? - [1500] ?] (#175)
Curtiss, W. Ind. Pl. [1 - ? 764] (#176)
Cusick, Oregon Pl. [1 ? - ~ 3300] (#177)
Dahlstedt, Herb. Hierac. Scand. [1 - [2400]] (#178)
Dahlstedt, Hierac. Exs. [1 - [400]] (#179)
Dahlstedt, Tarax. Scand. Exs. [1 - 209] (#180)
Dahlstedt, Tarax. Scand. Exs. [? 210 - ?] (#181)
Debeaux, Pl. Algér. [? - ?] (#182)
Degen, Cyper. Junc. Typh. Spargan. Hung. Exs. [C-1 - C-280] (#183)
Degen, Gramina Hung. [G-1 - G-400] (#184)
Degen, Pl. Banat. Exs. [? - ?] (#185)
Déséglise, Herb. Ros. [1 - ?] (#186)
Dickson, Coll. Dried Pl. [1 - 100] (#187)
Dickson, Hortus Sicc. Brit. [1 - 475] (#188)
Didier, Ronces [1 - more than 1121] (#189)
Dietrich, Herb. Fl. Germ. Phanerog. [1 - 800 or more] (#190)
Dietrich, Herb. Pharm. [[1] - [~ 300]] (#191)
Dietrich, Oekon. Fl. [[1] - [148]] (#192)
Domin & Krajina, Fl. ?echoslov. Exs. [1 - 400] (#193)
Don, Herb. Brit. [1 - 225] (#194)
Donat, Pl. Patagon. [1 - ? 400] (#195)
Dörfler, Callier Iter Tauricum Tert. [1 - [250]] (#196)
Dörfler, Fl. Aegaea [1 - ?] (#197)
Dörfler, Fl. Graeca [1 - at least 400] (#198)
Dörfler, Herb. Norm. [3001 - 5600] (#199)
Dörfler, Iter Bukow. Transsylv. [? - ?] (#200)
Dörfler, Iter Cret. [1 - ?] (#201)
Dörfler, Karo Pl. Amur. [1 - 471] (#202)
Dörfler, Rigo Iter Ital. Quart. [1 - ? (more than 200)] (#203)
Drescher, Dupla Pl. Vasc. 1997 [[1] - [20]] (#204)
Drescher, Dupla Pl. Vasc. 2001 [[1] - [50]] (#205)
Drescher, Dupla Pl. Vasc. 2002 [[1] - [50]] (#206)
Drescher, Dupla Pl. Vasc. 2003 [[1] - ] (#207)
Drescher, Dupla Salic. 1997 [[1] - [20]] (#208)
Drescher, Dupla Salic. 2001 [[1] - [20]] (#209)
Drescher, Dupla Salic. 2002 [[1] - [30]] (#210)
Drescher, Dupla Salic. 2003 [[1] - [10]] (#211)
Dubovik, Herb. Fl. Ukraine [201 - 250] (#212)
Duchartre, Fl. Pyrén. [1 - ?] (#213)
Duffour, Soc. Franç. [1 - nearly 8000] (#214)
Dummer, Pl. Penins. Cap. [1 - 700] (#215)
Duran, Pl. White Mount. [1 ? - ~ 1400] (#216)
Duthie, Fl. Himal. [ - ] (#217)
Duthie, Fl. N.W. Ind. [ - ] (#218)
Earle & Earle, Pl. New Mex. [? - ?] (#219)
Eastwood, Fl. Sta. Barbara [? - ?] (#220)
Eastwood, Pl. Calif. [? - ?] (#221)
Ecklon & Zeyher, Pl. Afr. Austr. Extratrop. [1 - ?] (#223)
Ecklon, Unio Itin. [ - ] (#222)
Ehrhart, Arb. Linn. [1 - 160] (#224)
Ehrhart, Calamaria, Gramina Tripetal. Linn. [1 - 140] (#225)
Ehrhart, Herb. Viv. Coll. [? - ?] (#226)
Ehrhart, Phytophyl. Ehrh. [1 - 100] (#227)
Ehrhart, Pl. Officin. [1 - 600] (#228)
Ehrhart, Pl. Sel. Hort. [1 - 160] (#229)
Einhof, Futterkräuter [12-Jan] (#230)
Enander, Salic. Scand. Exs. [101 - 150] (#231)
Enander, Salic. Scand. Exs. [1 - 100] (#232)
Endress, Unio Itin. [? - ?] (#233)
Engelmann & Gray, Lindheimer Fl. Texana Exs. [1 - 754] (#235)
Engelmann, Herb. Juncorum Bor.-Amer. [Jan-88] (#234)
Engler, Araceae Exs. [ - ] (#236)
Erdmann, Merkwürdige Gew. Obersächs. Fl. [1 - 450] (#237)
Erdmann, Samml. Giftpfl. Sachsen [Jan-90] (#238)
Eriksson, Coll. Ceral. Suec. [Jan-40] (#239)
Fabiszewski, Fl. Siles. Exs. [376 - 400] (#240)
Fabiszewski, Fl. Siles. Exs. [451 - 475] (#241)
Favrat & Favrat, Rubi Helv. Austro-Occid. [1 - ?] (#242)
Fedtschenko, Fl. Turkest. Exs. [1 - 100] (#243)
Fellman, Pl. Arct. Exs. [1 - 370] (#244)
Fernández Casas, Exs. [1 - ? 500] (#245)
Fest & Genta, Fl. Stir. Exs. [? - ?] (#246)
Fija?kowski, Pl. Exs. Lublin. [1 - 200] (#247)
Fiori & Béguinot, Fl. Ital. Exs. Ser. II [1001 - ? 2000] (#250)
Fiori & Béguinot, Fl. Ital. Exs. Ser. III [2001 - ? 3000] (#251)
Fiori, Béguinot & Pampanini, Fl. Ital. Exs. [1 - 1000] (#248)
Fiori, Xylotomoth. Ital. [1 - 120 or more] (#249)
Fischer, Potamog. Bav. Exs. [? - ?] (#252)
Fleischer, Unio Itin. [[1] - [~150]] (#253)
Flora of Kentucky; First Century (#943)
Flora of Kentucky; Second Century (#942)
Flora of Kentucky; Third Century (#941)
Flora of the Tryon Region [42-513] (#946)
Focke, Rubi Sel. [Jan-82] (#254)
Font i Quer, Fl. Hispan. [1 - ? 800] (#255)
Font i Quer, Fl. Iber. Sel. [1 - ? 300] (#256)
Font i Quer, Iter Maroc. [ - ] (#257)
Frank, Unio Itin. [? - ?] (#258)
Friderichsen & Gelert, Rubi Exs. Daniae Slesv. [61 - 101] (#259)
Friderichsen & Gelert, Rubi Exs. Daniae Slesv. [Jan-60] (#260)
Fries & Lagger, Hierac. Eur. Exs. [1 - 161] (#264)
Fries & Lagger, Hieracia Eur. Exs. Suppl. [? 1 - ? 60] (#265)
Fries & Lagger, Hieracia Eur. Exs. Suppl. Ed. 2 [? 1 - ? 60] (#266)
Fries, Herb. Norm. Pl. Suec. [[1] - [1400] ?] (#261)
Fries, Pl. Vasc. Beeren Eil. [1 - ? 38] (#262)
Fries, Pl. Vasc. Spetsberg. [1 - 113] (#263)
Fristedt, Sver. Pharm. Växt. [1 - [740]] (#267)
Fritsch, Fl. Exs. Austro-Hung. [2801 - 3600] (#268)
Frivaldszky von Frivald, Pl. Exs. Eur.-Turc. [? - ?] (#269)
Fuss, Herb. Norm. Transsilv. [1 - 1100] (#270)
Gandoger, Fl. Afr. Bor. [? - ?] (#271)
Gandoger, Fl. Alger. Exs. [1 - ~ 500] (#272)
Gandoger, Fl. Gall. Exs. [? - ?] (#273)
Gandoger, Fl. Hispan. Exs. [? - ?] (#274)
Gandoger, Pl. Maroc. [1 - ? 900] (#275)
Geith, Epilobia [ - ] (#276)
Gerhard, Pl. Exs. [[1] - [1300]] (#277)
Geyer, [United States] [1 - ?] (#278)
Ghi?a & Gergely, Fl. Roman. Exs. [2901 - 3000] (#279)
Giedroj?, Fl. Siles. Exs. [576 - 600] (#280)
Gilmour & Stearn, Herb. Fl. Cantabr. [1 - ?] (#281)
Gilmour & Stearn, Sert. Cantabr. Exs. [1 - ?] (#282)
Go?owin, Fl. Siles. Exs. [226 - 250] (#290)
Go?owin, Fl. Siles. Exs. [Jan-50] (#291)
Go?owin, Fl. Siles. Exs. [126 - 175] (#292)
Godron, Pl. Gall. Austral. [? - ?] (#283)
Godzik & Wójcicki, Pl. Vasc. Svalb. Exs. [25-Jan] (#284)
Goeppert, Arbor. Fossil. [? - ?] (#285)
Görz, Salic. Brandenb. Sel. [1 - 300 [468]] (#286)
Görz, Salicaceae As. [Jan-50] (#287)
Gottschlich, Hieracia Eur. Sel. [1 - 550] (#288)
Gourlie, Fl. Scot. Alp. [? - ?] (#289)
Gray, N. Amer. Gramin. Cyperac. [1 - 200] (#293)
Grevillius & Niessen, Zoocecidea Cecidiozoa Prov. Rhenan. [1 - 100] (#294)
Grossheim & Schischkin, Pl. Orient. Exs. [1 - 400] (#295)
Grubov & Ivanina, Herb. Fl. Urss [6301 - 6800] (#296)
Grupo Botánico Gallego, Fl. NE Peníns. Ibér. Exs. [1 - 450] (#297)
Gugnacka-Fiedor, Exs. Torun. [1 - 250] (#298)
Gunckel, Pfl. Chile [? 1 - ? 100] (#299)
Günther & Schummel, Herb. Viv. Pl. Siles. [[1] - [1500]] (#301)
Günther, Grabowsky & Wimmer, Schles. Gew. [? - ?] (#300)
Györffy, Fl. Hung. Exs. [? - ?] (#302)
Haertel, Landw. Herb. [1 - 300] (#303)
Hahn, Deutschl. Gräser [1 - 100] (#304)
Hall, [Amer. Pl.] [1 - ?] (#305)
Hampe, Fl. Hercin. [? - ?] (#306)
Hansen, Einheim. Gräser [? - ?] (#307)
Hansen, Herb. Schlesw.-Holst.-Lauenb. Fl. [1 - ? 600] (#308)
Hassler, Comis. Argent.-Parag. [? - ?] (#309)
Hassler, Fl. Cordill. Villar. [? - ?] (#310)
Hassler, It. Parag. Septentr. [? - ?] (#311)
Hassler, Pl. Chaco Septentr. [? - ?] (#312)
Hassler, Pl. Parag. [? - ?] (#313)
Hassler, Pl. Pilcomay. [? - ?] (#314)
Haussknecht, Iter Graec. [? - ?] (#315)
Haussknecht, Iter Kurd. [? - ?] (#316)
Haussknecht, Iter Orient. [? - ?] (#317)
Haussknecht, Iter Syr.-Armen. [? - ?] (#318)
Hayek, Centaureae Exs. Crit. [1 - ? 164] (#319)
Hayek, Fl. Stiriaca Exs. [1 - 1282] (#320)
Hechenberger, Salzb. Giftpfl. [[1] - [24]] (#321)
Hedicke, Herb. Tier. Frasst. [1 - ? 125] (#322)
Hegelmaier, Iter Gallo-Hispan. [? - ?] (#323)
Hein, Oekon. Fl. [? - ?] (#324)
Hein, Samml. Deutschl. Gräsern [? - ?] (#325)
Heldreich, Fl. Graeca Exs. [? - ?] (#326)
Heldreich, Herb. Fl. Hellen. [1 - ?] (#327)
Heldreich, Herb. Graec. Norm. [1 - 812] (#328)
Heldreich, Herb. Graec. Norm. Ser. II [813 - 1599] (#329)
Heldreich, Pl. Exs. Graec. [1 (?) - ?] (#330)
Heldreich, Samaritani Del. Pl. Aegypti Inf. [1 ? - ?] (#331)
Heller, Calif. Pl. [4997 [1] - 6055 [644]] (#332)
Heller, N. Amer. Pl. [? - ?] (#333)
Heller, Pl. Hawaii Isl. [? - ?] (#334)
Heller, Pl. Porto Rico [? - ?] (#335)
Henriques, Fl. Lusit. Exs. [Jan-00] (#336)
Herter, Plantae Urug. Exs. [Jan-00] (#337)
Heuffel & Wierzbicki, Pl. Rar. Hung. Transsylv. [1 - ?] (#338)
Hieronymus & Pax, Herb. Cecidiol. [1 - 425] (#340)
Hieronymus, Fl. Argent. [? - ?] (#339)
Hitchcock, Amer. Grasses [1 - 1000] (#341)
Hitchcock, Fl. Kansas [1 - 1000] (#342)
Hochreutiner, Pl. Bogor. Exs. [1 - 162] (#343)
Hofmann, Pl. Crit. Saxon. [1 - 425] (#344)
Högberg, Pl. Offic. [[1] - [25]] (#345)
Hohenacker, Becker Pl. Wolga Infer. [1 - ?] (#346)
Hohenacker, Bordère Pl. M. Pyren. Alt. [1 - ? 200] (#347)
Hohenacker, Campo Pl. Hispan. [1 - ? 100] (#348)
Hohenacker, Eur. Cereal. [1 - ?] (#349)
Hohenacker, Futterpfl. [1 - ?] (#350)
Hohenacker, Herb. Norm. Pl. Officin. [411 - 702] (#351)
Hohenacker, Herb. Norm. Pl. Officin. [1 - 410] (#352)
Hohenacker, Hostmann & Kappler Pl. Surinam. [1 - 2157 [120]] (#353)
Hohenacker, Kotschy Pl. Alepp. Kurd. Moss. [1 - more than 440] (#354)
Hohenacker, Kotschy Pl. Pers. Austr. [1 - ? 600] (#355)
Hohenacker, Kotschy Pl. Pers. Bor. [1 - more than 300] (#356)
Hohenacker, Lechler Pl. Chil. [1 ? - 2400 or more] (#357)
Hohenacker, Lechler Pl. Ins. Maclov. [1 - 90 or more] (#358)
Hohenacker, Lechler Pl. Magellan. [? 1 - ? 100] (#359)
Hohenacker, Lechler Pl. Peruv. [1 ? - 2400 ?] (#360)
Hohenacker, Philippi Pl. Chil. [? 1 - 750 or more] (#361)
Hohenacker, Pl. Cauc. Ed. 2 [[1] - [570]] (#362)
Hohenacker, Pl. Georg.-Cauc. [? - ?] (#363)
Hohenacker, Pl. Ind. Or. Mont. Nilagiri [1 - 1600 or more] (#364)
Hohenacker, Pl. Ind. Or. Terr. Canara. 1847 [1 - 225] (#365)
Hohenacker, Pl. Ind. Or. Terr. Canara. 1849 [1 - ?] (#366)
Hohenacker, Pl. Labrad. [1 ? - ?] (#367)
Hohenacker, Riedel Pl. Brasil. [? - >2190] (#368)
Hohenacker, Sartorius Pl. Mex. [? - ?] (#369)
Hohenacker, Schaffner Pl. Mex. [1 ? - ?] (#370)
Hohenacker, Schimper Pl. Abyssin. Ed. II [? 1 - ~ 1200 ?] (#371)
Hohenacker, Schimper Pl. Arab. Petr. Ed. II [1 - ?] (#372)
Hohenacker, Schultz-Bipontinus Cichoriaceoth. Suppl. III [? - more than 184] (#373)
Hohenacker, Unio Itin. [? - ?] (#374)
Holl, Pl. Mader. [? - ?] (#375)
Holmen, Pl. Vasc. Groenl. Exs. [1 - ?] (#376)
Hooker & Thomson, Herb. Ind. Orient. [1 - over 2000] (#377)
Hoppe & Hornschuch, Pl. Phaner. Sel. [[1] - [100]] (#384)
Hoppe, Agrostol. [Jan-40] (#378)
Hoppe, Coll. Caricum Germ. [? - ?] (#379)
Hoppe, Herb. Viv. Pl. Gramin. [1 - 300] (#380)
Hoppe, Herb. Viv. Pl. Rar. Alpin. [1 - 100 [400]] (#381)
Hoppe, Herb. Viv. Pl. Sel. [1 - 100 [300]] (#382)
Hoppe, Hort. Bot. Ratisbon. [1 - 25 [75]] (#383)
Höppner, Orchid. Exs. [1 - ? 175] (#385)
Hough, Amer. Woods [[1] - [150]] (#386)
Howe, Hepat. Calif. (#886)
Howell, Pacific Coast Pl. [? - ?] (#387)
Hubbard, Gramin. Brit. Exs. [? - ?] (#388)
Huet de Pavillon & Huet de Pavillon, Exs. Pl. Rar. Valles. [ - ?] (#396)
Huet de Pavillon & Huet de Pavillon, Pl. Neapol. [1 - ?] (#397)
Huet de Pavillon & Huet de Pavillon, Pl. Sicul. 1855 [[1] - [550]] (#398)
Huet de Pavillon & Huet de Pavillon, Pl. Sicul. 1856 [1 - ?] (#399)
Huet de Pavillon, Exs. Pl. Eur. Med. [ - ] (#389)
Huet de Pavillon, Pl. Apennins [ - ?] (#390)
Huet de Pavillon, Pl. Ligur. [ - ?] (#391)
Huet de Pavillon, Pl. Midi France [ - ?] (#392)
Huet de Pavillon, Pl. Orient. [ - ?] (#393)
Huet de Pavillon, Pl. Pyrén. [[1] - [300]] (#394)
Huet de Pavillon, Pl. Sard. [ - ] (#395)
Huguenin, Fl. Gall. Germ. Exs. [1 - ?] (#400)
Husnot, Pl. Antill. [1 - ?] (#401)
Huter, Porta & Rigo, Iter Hispan. [1 - ? 300 or more] (#402)
Huter, Porta & Rigo, Iter III. Ital. [1 - 300 or more] (#403)
Jan, Coll. Stirp. Ital. [? - ? 100] (#404)
Jasiewicz, Tacik, Chwastowski & Pa?kowa, Fl. Polon. Exs. [601 - 700] (#405)
Jebe, Rosae Norveg. Exs. [1 - 100] (#406)
Jenner, Exsiccatensamml. [1 - ?] (#407)
Jeppe, Herb. Vivum [[1] - [50]] (#408)
Johansson & Samuelsson, Hierac. Scand. Exs. [1 - ?] (#410)
Johansson, Hierac. Suec. Rar. Exs. [1 - 100] (#409)
Jones, Fl. Calif. [? - ?] (#411)
Jones, Fl. Colorado [ - ] (#412)
Jones, Fl. Nevada [? - ?] (#413)
Jones, Fl. Utah [1 - ?] (#414)
Jönsson & Wahlstedt, Svenska Foderbaljväxter [Jan-32] (#415)
Jönsson & Wahlstedt, Svenska Fodergräs [Jan-32] (#416)
Jönsson & Wahlstedt, Svenska Foderväxtfrön [? - ?] (#417)
Jordanov & Kuzmanov, Pl. Bulg. Exs. [601 - 800] (#419)
Jordanov & Markova, Pl. Bulg. Exs. [801 - 1100] (#420)
Jordanov, Kožuharov & Kuzmanov, Pl. Bulg. Exs. [501 - 600] (#418)
Junge, Herb. Fl. Chil. [1 - ? 150] (#421)
Karelin & Kiriloff, Soc. Imp. Nat. Cur. Mosqu. [1 ? - over 2000] (#422)
Keck & Scriba, Herb. Norm. Nov. Ser. [201 - 700] (#425)
Keck, Herb. Norm. Nov. Ser. [1300 - 3000] (#423)
Keck, Herb. Norm. Nov. Ser. [701 - 1300] (#424)
Keller, Herb. Norm. Rosarum Eur. [1 - 81 ?] (#426)
Kerner von Marilaun & Kerner, Herb. Österr. Weiden [Jan-90] (#428)
Kerner von Marilaun, Fl. Exs. Austro-Hung. [Jan-00] (#427)
Kirschner & Št?pánek, Taraxaca Exs. [1 - 412 (in progr.)] (#429)
Kleopov, Herb. Fl. Reipubl. Ucrain. [1 - 100] (#430)
Kleopow, Herb. Fl. Ukraine [1 - 100] (#431)
Kneucker, Ed. Caricum Badens. [Jan-88] (#432)
Kneucker, Ed. Caricum Badens. Ed. II [Jan-90] (#433)
Kneucker, Ed. Graminum Badens. [1 - ?] (#434)
Kneucker, Glumac. Exs. Carices [1 - 390] (#435)
Kneucker, Glumac. Exs. Cyper. [1 - 270] (#436)
Kneucker, Glumac. Exs. Gramin. [1 - 960] (#437)
Kneucker, Samml. Landw. Gew. [Jan-50] (#438)
Kneucker, Tee-Pfl. [Jan-50] (#439)
Ko?a, Fl. Siles. Exs. [676 - 700] (#462)
Ko?a, Fl. Siles. Exs. [976 - 1000] (#463)
Koehne, Herb. Dendrol. [1 - 565] (#440)
Konta, Fl. Japan Exs. [1 - 25 (150)] (#441)
Korshinsky, Herb. Fl. Ross. [201 - 600] (#442)
Korshinsky, Pl. Kasan. [? - ?] (#443)
Kotowicz & Kozio?, Fl. Siles. Exs. [926 - 950] (#444)
Kotowicz & Kozio?, Fl. Siles. Exs. [851 - 875] (#445)
Kotschy, Iter Cilic. [1 - ?] (#446)
Kotschy, Iter Cilic.-Kurd. [1 - ?] (#447)
Kotschy, Iter Nub. [1 - ~ 500 ?] (#448)
Kotschy, Iter Syr. [1 - ?] (#449)
Kotschy, Pl. Ins. Cypro [1 - ?] (#450)
Kotschy, Pl. Syr. Bor. [1 - ?] (#451)
Kováts, Pl. Exs. [1 - 565] (#452)
Kováts, Pl. Exs. Duc. Salisb. [- - ?] (#453)
Kozio? & ?wierkosz, Fl. Siles. Exs. [1376 - 1400] (#461)
Kozio? & Charytonowicz, Fl. Siles. Exs. [1401 - 1450] (#458)
Kozio? & Charytonowicz, Fl. Siles. Exs. [1501 - 1575] (#459)
Kozio? & Pender, Fl. Siles. Exs. [1101 - 1150] (#460)
Kozio?, Fl. Siles. Exs. [876 - 900] (#454)
Kozio?, Fl. Siles. Exs. [1276 - 1350] (#455)
Kozio?, Fl. Siles. Exs. [951 - 975] (#456)
Kozio?, Fl. Siles. Exs. [1001 - 1050] (#457)
Kralik, Pl. Corses [? 1 - ? 800] (#464)
Kralik, Reliqu. Maill. [1 - ~ 1800] (#465)
Ku?niewski & Krawiecówna, Fl. Siles. Exs. [401 - 425] (#477)
Kuczy?ska, Fl. Siles. Exs. [326 - 375] (#466)
Kuczy?ska, Fl. Siles. Exs. [76 - 125] (#467)
Kuczy?ska, Fl. Siles. Exs. [251 - 275] (#468)
Kuczy?ska, Fl. Siles. Exs. [176 - 200] (#469)
Kuczy?ska, Fl. Siles. Exs. [526 - 550] (#470)
Kunkel, Exs. Sel. Fl. Canar. [1 - 100] (#471)
Kunze, Pöppig Coll. Pl. Chil. I [1 - ?] (#474)
Kunze, Pöppig Coll. Pl. Chil. II [? - ?] (#475)
Kunze, Pöppig Coll. Pl. Chil. III [? - ~ 900] (#476)
Kunze, [Pöppig, Cub.] [without - [280]] (#472)
Kunze, [Pöppig] Pl. Pensylv. [[1] - ? [156]] (#473)
Lagasca y Segura, Hort. Sicc. Londin. [1 - 120] (#478)
Lambinon, Soc. Éch. Pl. Vasc. Eur. Bass. Médit. [9008 - 19971] (#479)
Lamy de la Chapelle, Fl. Gall. Germ. Exs. [? - ?] (#480)
Láng & Szovits, Herb. Ruth. [1 - ? 200] (#481)
Lange, Pl. Eur. Austral. [1 - ?] (#482)
Larsen & Holm-Nielsen, Fl. Germ. Exs. [176 - 290] (#485)
Larsen & Holm-Nielsen, Fl. Jutl. Exs. [? - ? 863] (#486)
Larsen, Fl. Germ. Exs. [1 - 175] (#483)
Larsen, Fl. Jutl. Exs. [1 - ?] (#484)
Lasch & Baenitz, Herb. Norddeutscher Pfl. [1 - [346]] (#487)
Laus, Herb. Einheim. Grasgew. [? - ?] (#488)
Laz?r & Leocov, Fl. Moldav. Dobr. Exs. [401 - 600] (#490)
Laz?r, Marin & Leocov, Fl. Moldav. Dobr. Exs. [301 - 400] (#489)
Lazăr & Leocov, Fl. Moldav. Dobr. Exs. [401-600] (#929)
Lazăr, Marin & Leocov, Fl. Moldav. Dobr. Exs. [301-400] (#928)
Leiner, Herb. Rhenan. [? - ?] (#491)
Lengyel, Gramin. Hung. [G-401 - G-450] (#492)
Leonhardt, Reineck & Czermak Pl. Brasil. Merid. [1 - ?] (#493)
Letourneux, Pl. Aegypt. [1 - ?] (#494)
Lewis, Brit. Rubi [ - ] (#495)
Lid, Fl. Exs. Ins. Jan Mayen [Jan-60] (#496)
Lindberg, Pl. Finl. Exs. [Jan-81] (#497)
Lindeberg, Herb. Ruborum Scand. [Jan-52] (#498)
Lindeberg, Hierac. Scand. Exs. [1 - 150] (#499)
Lindgren, Svenska Fodervext. [Ed. 1] [20-Jan] (#500)
Lindgren, Svenska Fodervext. [Ed. 1] [21 - 40] (#501)
Lindgren, Svenska Fodervext. [Ed. 2] [25-Jan] (#502)
Linton & Linton, Brit. Hierac. [1 - 100] (#505)
Linton & Linton, Brit. Willows [1 - 112] (#506)
Linton, Brit. Salices [113 - 128] (#503)
Linton, Linton, Murray & Rogers, Brit. Rubi [1 - 125] (#504)
Lippe, Landw. Herb. [? - ?] (#507)
Lippmaa & Eichwald, Eston. Pl. [1 - 200] (#508)
Litvinov, Herb. Fl. Ross. [2401 - 2800] (#509)
Litvinov, Herb. Fl. Ross. [601 - 2400] (#510)
Lojacono-Pojero, Pl. Ital. Sel. [1 - 400] (#511)
Lojacono-Pojero, Pl. Sic. Rar. Exs. [1 - 706] (#512)
Lönnkvist & Lönnqvist, Rosæ Scand. Exs. [[1] - [65]] (#513)
Lösecke & Bösemann, Phaner.-Herb. [? - ?] (#514)
Lossen, Herb. Argent. [1 - 400] (#515)
Mabille, Herb. Corsicum [1 - 400] (#516)
MacOwan & Bolus, Herb. Austro-Afr. [Jan-00] (#517)
Magnier, Fl. Sel. Exs. [Jan-37] (#518)
Malinvaud, Menthae Exs. Gall. [1 - 100] (#519)
Manissadjian, Pl. Orient. [1 - ?] (#520)
Margittai, Pl. Exs. Carpat. [- - ?] (#521)
Margittai, Pl. Hung. Exs. [ - ] (#522)
Marloth, Exs. Austro-Afr. [ - ] (#523)
Marret, Exs. Fl. Valais [1 - 511] (#524)
Martius, Herb. Fl. Brasil. [1 - ?] (#525)
Meinshausen, Herb. Fl. Ingricae [1 - 1000] (#526)
Merrill, Dec. Philipp. Forest Fl. [1 - more than 250] (#527)
Merrill, Pl. Blancoanae [1 - 1060] (#528)
Merrill, Pl. Ins. Philipp. [1 - 1200] (#529)
Mertens, Frölich & Suhr, Hydroph. Coll. [? - ?] (#530)
Michalet, Herb. Pl. Crit. Jura [1 - 150] (#531)
Miège, Exs. Genav. [1 - 200] (#532)
Mititelu & Baraba?, Fl. Bacov. Exs. [1 - ? 400] (#533)
Molero & Vicens, Euphorb. Mediterr. Exs. [1 - 100] (#534)
Molina Maruenda & Velasco Neguerruela, Exs. Fl. Iber. [31 - ? 107] (#535)
Montserrat & Villar, Fl. Iber. JACA [1 - ? 300] (#536)
Montserrat & Villar, Fl. Pyren. JACA [1 - ? 100] (#537)
Moser, Unio Itin. [ - ?] (#538)
Mougeot, Nestler & Schimper, Stirp. Vog.-Rhen. [1 - 1400] (#539)
Mueller, Coll. Austral. Pl. [1 - ? 100] (#540)
Müller, Gramineen-Herb. [? - ?] (#541)
Müller, Herb. Rubus France Allem. [? - ?] (#542)
Müller, Landw. Herb. [? - ?] (#543)
Müller, Unio Itin. [ - ] (#544)
Murbeck, Pl. Sel. Fl. Afr. Bor. [Jan-59] (#545)
Nash, Pl. Florida [1 - over 2000] (#546)
Neuman, Wahlstedt & Murbeck, Violae Suec. Exs. [Jan-60] (#547)
Noe, Pl. Istr. Exs. [ - ] (#548)
Nördlinger, Holzarten [1 - 1100] (#549)
Norrlin, Herb. Pilosell. Fenn. [1 - 200] (#550)
Norrlin, Hierac. Exs. [1 - [1371]] (#551)
Northrop & Northrop, Bahama Pl. [1 - ?] (#552)
Novopokrovskij, Herb. Fl. Tanait. [1 - ? 150] (#553)
Olney, Carices Bor.-Amer. [? - ?] (#554)
Omang, Spec. Sel. Hierac. Norveg. [1 - ? 1500] (#555)
Opiz, Herb. Fl. Austr. [1 - ? 2400] (#556)
Opiz, Herb. Fl. Bohem. [1 - ? 2300] (#557)
Opiz, Herb. Fl. Germ. [1 - ? 600] (#558)
Or?owska-Ku?niewska, Fl. Siles. Exs. [301 - 325] (#561)
Orcutt, Calif. Mex. Pl. [1 - ? 100] (#559)
Orphanides, Fl. Graeca Exs. [1 - ? 800] (#560)
Oudemans, Herb. Nederl. Pl. [1 - 1350] (#562)
Pa?kowa, Szewczyk & Tacik, Fl. Polon. Exs. [701 - 800] (#575)
Paczoski, Zielnik Fl. Polsk. [? - ?] (#563)
Paillot & Vendrely, Fl. Sequaniae Exs. [1 - 1000 or more] (#565)
Paillot, Fl. Sequaniae Exs. [1 - ?] (#564)
Palmgren & Fagerström, Caricis Exs. [1 - 150] (#567)
Palmgren, Carices Fulvellae [Jan-60] (#566)
Pamplin, Fl. Dalmat. [? - ?] (#568)
Pamplin, Vicin. Adelaide [? - ?] (#569)
Paris, Iter Bor. Afr. [1 - ? 300] (#570)
Parish, Sel. Pl. S. Calif. [? - ?] (#571)
Patterson, Fl. Colorado [1 - ? 304] (#572)
Paulin, Fl. Exs. Carniol. [1 - 1000] (#573)
Paw?owski, Korna? & Jasiewicz, Pl. Polon. Exs. Ser. II [401 - 600] (#574)
Pender, Fl. Siles. Exs. [726 - 750] (#576)
Pender, Fl. Siles. Exs. [776 - 800] (#577)
Penzig, Sel. Stirp. Ligur. [[1] - [50]] (#578)
Perini, Fl. Trident. Exs. [1 - 300] (#579)
Pernhoffer, Hierac. Seckau. Exs. [1 - 104] (#580)
Perrottet, Pl. Pondic. [1 - ?] (#581)
Perrottet, Pl. Senegamb. [1 - ?] (#582)
Peter, Hieracia Naegel. Exs. [1 - 400] (#583)
Petrak & Topitz, Menthoth. Univ. [1 - more than 110] (#586)
Petrak, Cirsioth. Univ. [1 - ? 200] (#584)
Petrak, Fl. Bohem. Morav. Exs. [1 - 290 or more] (#585)
Petter, Fl. Dalmat. Exs. [1 - ?] (#587)
Petter, Pl. Dalmat. [1 - 1344] (#588)
Pi?ko? & Tacik, Fl. Polon. Exs. [1 - 500] (#591)
Pichler, Pl. Exs. Fl. Rumel. Bithyn. [1 - 300 ?] (#589)
Pichler, Pl. Graec. Exs. [? - ?] (#590)
Pitard, Pl. Canar. Exs. [1 - 851] (#592)
Pitard, Pl. Maroc [1 - ?] (#593)
Pitard, Pl. Tunet. [1 - ?] (#594)
Pittier & Durand, Pl. Costaric. Exs. [1 - ?] (#595)
Plantae Chilenses Exsiccatae [1-?] (#944)
Podp?ra, Fl. Exs. Reipubl. Bohem. Sloven. [1 - 1300] (#596)
Poelt, Pl. Graec. Spermatoph. [1 - 370] (#597)
Poeverlein, Voigtlaender-Tetzner & Zimmermann, Fl. Exs. Rhen. [1 - 100] (#598)
Pons & Coste, Herb. Rosar. [1 - 378] (#599)
Porta & Rigo, Iter II. Hispan. [1 - ?] (#601)
Porta & Rigo, Iter II. Ital. [1 - 400 or more] (#602)
Porta & Rigo, Iter III. Hispan. [1 - ?] (#603)
Porta & Rigo, Iter IV. Hispan. [1 - ? 300 or more] (#604)
Porta, Pl. Lombard. [ - ?] (#600)
Presl, Fl. Sicula [1 - 250] (#605)
Presl, Reliqu. Haenkeana [? - ?] (#606)
Pringle, Pl. Cub. [1 ? - ?] (#607)
Pringle, Pl. Mexic. 1885 [? - ? 500] (#608)
Pringle, Pl. Mexic. 1886 [? 700 - ? 900] (#609)
Pringle, Pl. Mexic. 1887 [? 1200 - ? 1500] (#610)
Pringle, Pl. Mexic. 1888 [? 1600 - ? 1900] (#611)
Pringle, Pl. Mexic. 1889 [? 2000 - ? 2600] (#612)
Pringle, Pl. Mexic. 1890 [3000 - 3500] (#613)
Pringle, Pl. Mexic. 1891 [3690 - 3990] (#614)
Pringle, Pl. Mexic. 1892 [3756 - 4364] (#615)
Pringle, Pl. Mexic. 1893 [2635 - 4627] (#616)
Pringle, Pl. Mexic. 1894 [4628 - 6154] (#617)
Pringle, Pl. Mexic. 1895 [1378 - 6300] (#618)
Pringle, Pl. Mexic. 1896 [4371 - 6628] (#619)
Pringle, Pl. Mexic. 1897 [4233 - 6786] (#620)
Pringle, Pl. Mexic. 1898 [6519 - 6974] (#621)
Pringle, Pl. Mexic. 1899 [6419 - 8273] (#622)
Pringle, Pl. Mexic. 1900 [6342 - 8463] (#623)
Pringle, Pl. Mexic. 1901/02 [4981 - 9224] (#624)
Pringle, Pl. Mexic. 1903/04 [4961 - 10019] (#625)
Pringle, Pl. Mexic. 1905/06 [1825 - 11840] (#626)
Pritzel, Pl. Austral. Occid. [ - ] (#627)
PRR [1-10000] (#918)
Puel & Maille, Pl. France [? - ?] (#629)
Puel, Herb. Lot [Jan-40] (#628)
Ra?iu & Gergely, Fl. Roman. Exs. [3301 - 3500] (#633)
Rabenhorst, Fl. Lusat. Infer. Exs. [1 - 1000] (#630)
Raciborski, Fl. Polon. Exs. [401 - 900] (#631)
Raciborski, Pl. Polon. [1 - 400] (#632)
Reader, Pl. Victoriae Austral. Exs. [1 - 300] (#634)
Rechinger & Polunin, Exs. Herb. Baghdad. [1 - 100] (#635)
Regel, Fl. Exs. Iraq. [1 - ?] (#636)
Regel, Fl. Exs. Iraq. [1-?] (#926)
Regel, Fl. Exs. Lituan. Spermatoph. [20-Jan] (#637)
Regel, Fl. Exs. Lituan. Spermatoph. Pteridoph. [21 - 100] (#638)
Rehmann & Wo?oszczak, Fl. Polon. Exs. [1 - 600] (#639)
Reichenbach, Fl. Germ. Exs. [Jan-00] (#640)
Reichenbach, Scleranthus-Orig. [Jan-40] (#641)
Reichenbach, Scleranthus-Orig. II [41 - 80] (#642)
Reineck & Czermak, Pl. Exs. Brasil. Merid. [? - ? 150] (#644)
Reineck, Herb. Brasil. [1 - ?] (#643)
Renqvist, Herb. Finl. Foderväxter [Jan-40] (#645)
Retz, Soc. Franç. Éch. Pl. Vasc. [Jan-32] (#646)
Reverchon & Derbez, Pl. France [? - ?] (#654)
Reverchon, Pl. Alger. [1 - 134] (#647)
Reverchon, Pl. Andalous. [1 - ?] (#648)
Reverchon, Pl. Corse [1 - ? 600] (#649)
Reverchon, Pl. Crete [1 - ?] (#650)
Reverchon, Pl. Esp. [1 - ?] (#651)
Reverchon, Pl. France [1 - ?] (#652)
Reverchon, Pl. Sard. [1 - ?] (#653)
Richter, Fl. Hung. Exs. [? - ?] (#655)
Richter, Fl. Hung. Orient. Exs. [? - ?] (#656)
Rigler, Coll. Pl. Prat. Pasc. [1 - 100] (#657)
Rigo, Pl. Ital. Septentr. [ - ?] (#658)
Ringius, Herb. Norm. Suec. [[1] - [160]] (#659)
Rivas-Martínez & Cantó, Exs. Rivasgodayana [1 - 100] (#660)
Rohlena, Pl. Balcan. Exs. [1 - 150] (#661)
Rohlena, Pl. Balcan. Exs. Ser. 2 [1 - 100] (#662)
Romieux, Hierac. Sel. [ - ] (#663)
Ross, Herb. Siculum [1 - 900] (#664)
Rossmässler, Pl. Lipsienses [? - ?] (#665)
Rosta?ski & Kozio?, Fl. Siles. Exs. [1051 - 1075] (#670)
Rosta?ski, Fl. Siles. Exs. [201 - 225] (#666)
Rosta?ski, Fl. Siles. Exs. [426 - 450] (#667)
Rosta?ski, Fl. Siles. Exs. [51 - 75] (#668)
Rosta?ski, Fl. Siles. Exs. [276 - 300] (#669)
Roth, Bienenw. Pfl.-samml. [? - ?] (#671)
Roth, Herb. Viv. Pl. Officin. [1 - ?] (#672)
Roth, Landw. Pfl.-samml. [1 - 300] (#673)
Rothmaler, Alchem. Exs. [1 - ? 25] (#674)
Rottensteiner, Ranuncul. Subtrib. Delphin. Exs. [141 - 180] (#675)
Rottensteiner, Ranuncul. Subtrib. Delphin. Rar. Exs. [1 - 123] (#676)
Rusby & Squires, Fl. Lower Orinoco [1 - ~ 450] (#678)
Rusby, Fl. New Mex. Arizona Terr. [? 1 - ?] (#677)
Ruthe, Fl. Mittelmark [1 - 100] (#679)
Saatkamp, Futterkräuter [1 - 10 [20]] (#680)
Sadler, Agrostoth. Hung. [Jan-75] (#681)
Sadler, Magyar Pl. [[1] - [350]] (#682)
Salisbury, Hortus Sicc. Gramin. [1 - ?] (#683)
Salle, Pl. Monspel.-Alger. [1 - ?] (#684)
Samuelsson, Pl. Suec. Exs. [1 - 1617] (#685)
Sârbu & Leocov, Fl. Moldav. Dobr. Exs. [601-700] (#927)
Sârbu & Leocov, Fl. Moldav. Dobr. Exs. [601 - 700] (#686)
Sârbu & Mititiuc, Fl. Moldav. Dobr. Exs. [701 - ? 800] (#687)
Sartwell, Carices Amer. Sept. Exs. [1 - 158] (#688)
Sauter, Decad. Alpenpfl. [? - ?] (#689)
Sauter, Fl. Tirol. Exs. [Jan-60] (#690)
Schemmann, Deutschl. Gramin. [1 - 266] (#691)
Schemmann, Dt. Glum. [1 - 177] (#692)
Scheuerle, Salic. Deutschl. Schweiz [1 - ?] (#693)
Schiffner, Trop. Cultur- Heilpfl. [1 - ?] (#694)
Schimper, Iter Abyssin. Sect. Pr. [1 - more than 400] (#695)
Schimper, Iter Abyssin. Sect. Sec. [? - more than 1400] (#696)
Schimper, Iter Abyssin. Sect. Tert. [? - 1684 or more] (#697)
Schimper, Unio Itin. 1832 [? - ?] (#698)
Schimper, Unio Itin. 1835 [1 ? - ?] (#699)
Schimper, Unio Itin. 1837 [? - 900 or more ?] (#700)
Schischkin, Gerb. Fl. SSSR [3201 - 4400] (#701)
Schischkin, Herb. Fl. URSS [2801 - 3200] (#702)
Schmidely, Rubi Sel. [1 - ?] (#703)
Schuhwerk, Cormoph. Exs. [1 - 100 (in progr.)] (#704)
Schultz & Winter, Herb. Norm. [1 - 200] (#709)
Schultz, Fl. Gall. Germ. Exs. [1 - 1600] (#705)
Schultz, Fl. Istr. Exs. [1 - 168] (#706)
Schultz, Herb. Norm. [1 - 1200] (#707)
Schultz, Herb. Norm. Nov. Ser. [1 - 200] (#708)
Schultz-Bipontinus, Cichoriaceoth. [1 - ?] (#710)
Schultz-Bipontinus, Cichoriaceoth. Suppl. [1 - ?] (#711)
Schultz-Bipontinus, Cichoriaceoth. Suppl. II [ - ] (#712)
Seidl, Kosteletzky, Mann & Moschner, Ökon.-Techn. Fl. Böhm. [? - ?] (#713)
Selmons, Dendrol. Keimpfl. [1 - ?] (#714)
Selmons, Herb. Ges. Fl. [1 - ? 1050] (#715)
Selmons, Phaner.-keiml. [1 - 147] (#716)
Sennen, Pl. Espagne [Jan-50] (#717)
Seringe, Coll. Gramin. Suisse [1 - ? 200] (#718)
Seringe, Déc. Roses [Jan-50] (#719)
Seringe, Dryadeae Exs. [20-Jan] (#720)
Seringe, Exempl. Dess. Salix [1 - 37 [119]] (#721)
Seringe, Herb. Alpes [1 - ? 500] (#722)
Seringe, Herb. Helv. [1 - 612] (#723)
Seringe, Pl. France [? - ?] (#724)
Seringe, Saules Suisse [Jan-88] (#725)
Seringe, Souv. Suisse [[1] - [100]] (#726)
Sieber, Agrostoth. [1 - 146] (#727)
Sieber, Coll. Gramin. Eur. [[1] - [80]] (#728)
Sieber, Fl. Cap. [1 - 362] (#729)
Sieber, Fl. Cors. Exs. [[1] - [370]] (#730)
Sieber, Fl. Maurit. [1 - 195] (#731)
Sieber, Fl. Maurit. II [1 - 150] (#732)
Sieber, Fl. Maurit. Suppl. [Jan-50] (#733)
Sieber, Fl. Mixta [1 - 900] (#734)
Sieber, Fl. Senegal. [1 - 100] (#735)
Sieber, Fl. Trinit. [1 - 350] (#736)
Sieber, Forstpfl. [[1] - [260]] (#737)
Sieber, Herb. Fl. Aegypt. [[1] - [250]] (#738)
Sieber, Herb. Fl. Austr. [1 - ?] (#739)
Sieber, Herb. Fl. Cret. [[1] - [450]] (#740)
Sieber, Herb. Fl. Martinic. [1 - 400] (#741)
Sieber, Herb. Fl. Martinic. Suppl. [1 - more than 100] (#742)
Sieber, Herb. Fl. Nov. Holland. [1 - 645] (#743)
Sieber, Herb. Fl. Palaest. [[1] - [48]] (#744)
Sieber, Oekon. Forst- Med.-Gew. Fl. Böhm. [? - ?] (#745)
Sieber, Pl. Alp. [[1] - [180]] (#746)
Sieber, Pl. Alp. [Ital.] [[1] - [160]] (#747)
Sieber, Pl. Neapol. Apul. [[1] - [80]] (#748)
Sieber, Pl. Rom. Neapol. [[1] - [80]] (#749)
Siegfried, Exs. Potentillarum Pl. Culta [1 - ? 845] (#750)
Siegfried, Exs. Potentillarum Pl. Spont. [1 - ? 845] (#751)
Siehe, Bot. Reise Cilicien [? - ?] (#752)
Siehe, Fl. Ciliciae [? - ?] (#753)
Siehe, Fl. Orient. 1898 [? - ?] (#754)
Siehe, Samml. Orient. Pfl. [? - ?] (#755)
Sinclair, Hort. Gramin. Woburn. [? - ?] (#756)
Sintenis & Bornmüller, Iter Turc. 1891 [1 - ?] (#763)
Sintenis & Rigo, Ins. Cypro [1 - ?] (#764)
Sintenis, Iter Orient. 1889 [1 - ?] (#757)
Sintenis, Iter Orient. 1890 [? - ?] (#758)
Sintenis, Iter Orient. 1892 [? - ?] (#759)
Sintenis, Iter Orient. 1894 [? - ?] (#760)
Sintenis, Iter Thessal. [? - ?] (#761)
Sintenis, Iter Transcasp.-Pers. [1 - ?] (#762)
Slavo?ovský, Fl. Exs. Reipubl. Social. ?echoslov. [1401 - 1500] (#765)
Šmarda, Fl. Exs. Reipubl. ?echoslov. [? 1301 - 1400] (#766)
Smirnov, Herb. Gramin. URSS [1 - 101] (#767)
Smirnov, Pl. Altai. Exs. [1 - 100] (#768)
Smith, Pl. Guatem. [1 ? - 7000 or more] (#769)
Smith, Pl. Guatem. Tuerckheim. [1 - 1370 [790]] (#770)
Soc. Fl. Franco-Helvetique 1904 [? - ?] (#771)
Soleirol, Pl. Corse [1 - ~ 300] (#772)
Sommerfelt, Herb. Crit. Nov. [? - ?] (#773)
Southern Appalachian Botanical Club 04th Distribution of NORTH AMERICAN Plants (#948)
Southern Appalachian Botanical Club 12th Distribution of North American Plants (#951)
Starcs & Kirulis, Diseases Latv. Cult. Pl. [1 - ?] (#775)
Starcs, Betulaceae Exs. [25-Jan] (#774)
Starmühler, Ranuncul. Subtrib. Delphin. Exs. [1 - 140] (#776)
Stebler & Schröter, Schweiz. Gräser-Samml. [1 - 200] (#777)
Stebler & Volkart, Schweiz. Gräser-Samml. [201 - 250] (#778)
Stecki, Pl. Tatr. Exs. [Jan-50] (#779)
Sterneck, Herb. Egerl. [1 - 540] (#780)
Stojanov & Kitanov, Pl. Bulg. Exs. [1 - 400] (#781)
Stojanowska, Fl. Siles. Exs. [501 - 525] (#782)
Stojanowska, Fl. Siles. Exs. [601 - 625] (#783)
Stribrný, Pl. Bulg. Exs. [? - ?] (#784)
Stuckert, Herb. Argent. [? - ?] (#785)
Sudre, Batoth. Eur. [Jan-50] (#786)
Sudre, Batoth. Eur. [51 - 750] (#787)
Sudre, Herb. Hierac. [1 - 350] (#788)
Sudre, Rubi Exs. [1 - 140] (#789)
Suksdorf, Fl. Washington [1 - ?] (#790)
Susanna & Garcia Jacas, Zurrón Centaur. [1 - 116] (#791)
Swayne, Gramina Pascua [19-Jan] (#792)
Szabó & Lengyel, Pl. Imp. Hung. [? - ?] (#793)
Szafer & Paw?owski, Pl. Polon. Exs. Ser. II [1 - 400] (#794)
Tacik, Fl. Polon. Exs. [501 - 600] (#795)
Takeda, Exs. Pl. Yezoen. [25-Jan] (#796)
Tanaka & Shimada, Fl. Taiwan [? - ?] (#797)
Tausch, Agrostoth. Bohem. [1 - 256] (#798)
Tausch, Coll. Hierac. Salic. Sudet. [Jan-60] (#799)
Tausch, Dendroth. Bohem. [1 - 212] (#800)
Tausch, Dendroth. Exoto-Bohem. [1 - ? 308] (#801)
Tausch, Herb. Fl. Bohem. Univ. [1 - ? 2050] (#802)
Tausch, Pl. Sel. Fl. Bohem. [? - ?] (#803)
Tauscher, Fl. Exs. Csepel. [? - ?] (#804)
Teppner, Exs. Onosma [10-Jan] (#805)
Thielens & DeVos, Kickxia Belg. [1 - ? 400] (#806)
Tiselius, Foderväxter [1 - 100] (#807)
Tiselius, Foderväxter [II] [1 - 100] (#808)
Tiselius, Potamog. Suec. Exs. [1 - 151] (#809)
Tiselius, Sver. Åkerogräs [Jan-70] (#810)
Todaro, Fl. Sic. [1 - 1600] (#811)
Todor, Fl. Exs. Gramin. Legumin. Roman. [1 - 100] (#812)
Toepffer, Eggers Exs. Fl. Ind. Occid. [1 - 1100] (#813)
Toepffer, Salic. Exs. [1 - 772] (#814)
Tolf, Sver. Torfbild. Växt. [1 - 104] (#815)
Topitz, Menthoth. Austro-Hung. [Jan-40] (#817)
Tracy, Pl. Gulf States [1 - over 9000] (#818)
Traunsteiner, Herb. Viv. [? - ?] (#819)
Trautschold, Samml. Getr. Pfl. Abbazia [ - ] (#820)
Tscherepanov, Herb. Fl. URSS [4401 - 4900] (#821)
Tuzson, Fl. Exs. Plan. Hung. [1 - 703] (#822)
Uribe-Echebarría & Urrutia, Pl. Pais Vasco [201 - 300] (#823)
V?lev, Kožuharov & Kuzmanov, Pl. Bulg. Exs. [401 - 500] (#825)
Vaccari, Pl. Ital. Crit. [1 - 240] (#824)
Vallès Xirau & Torrell Faro, Artemis. Exs. [Jan-75] (#826)
Van Haesendonck, Herb. Méd. Belg. [1 - 200] (#827)
Van Heurck & Martinis, Herb. Pl. Rar. Crit. Belg. [1 - ? 400] (#828)
Vanoverbergh, Pl. N. Luzon [? 1 - ? 200] (#829)
Velasco Neguerruela & Molina Maruenda, Exs. Fl. Iber. [30-Jan] (#830)
Vendrely, Fl. Sequaniae Exs. [751 ? - 850 ?] (#831)
Wagner, Alpenstraus [Jan-50] (#832)
Wagner, Arznei- Giftgew. [1 - 125] (#833)
Wagner, Gras-Herb. [1 - 202] (#834)
Wagner, Phanerog.-Herb. [1 - 200] (#835)
Wagner, Pl. Hung. Exs. [? 1 - ? 100] (#836)
Wagner, Tiliae Exs. Crit. [1 - 250] (#837)
Warion, Pl. Atlant. Sel. [1 - 200] (#838)
Webb & Heldreich, Pl. Hispan. Prov. Giennensi [1 - 530] (#839)
Weder, Pl. Crit. Saxon. [426 - 575 or more] (#840)
Weihe, Dt. Gräser [1 - 375] (#841)
Weiss, Herb. Pathol. Kulturgew. [25-Jan] (#842)
Weiss, Herb. Pathol. Obstgehölze [25-Jan] (#843)
Weiss, Herb. Pathol. Zierpfl. [25-Jan] (#844)
Welwitsch, Iter Lusitan. [1 - ?] (#845)
Werner, Pl. Hercyn. Exs. [1 - 100] (#846)
Wettstein, Fl. Exs. Austro-Hung. [3601 - 4000] (#847)
Wiest, Unio Itin. [1 - ? 545] (#848)
Willkomm, Iter Hisp. Secund. [1 - 600] (#849)
Wimmer & Krause, Coll. Salicum Eur. [1 - ? 251] (#850)
Wimmer & Krause, Herb. Salicum [1 - 132 ?] (#851)
Winslow, Folkskoleherb. [1 - 102] (#852)
Winslow, Herb. Rosarum Scand. [Jan-40] (#853)
Wirtgen & Bach, Herb. Pfl. Deutschl. [1 - 530] (#868)
Wirtgen, Forst- & Holzgew. [1 - 200] (#854)
Wirtgen, Herb. Deutsch. Arzneipfl. [1 - 330] (#855)
Wirtgen, Herb. Giftpfl. Deutschl. [31-Jan] (#856)
Wirtgen, Herb. Mentharum Rhenan. [1 - 88 [89]] (#857)
Wirtgen, Herb. Mentharum Rhenan., Ed. 2 [Jan-75] (#858)
Wirtgen, Herb. Mentharum Rhenan., Ed. 3 [1 - 105] (#859)
Wirtgen, Herb. Ökon.-techn. Pfl. Deutschl. [1 - 400 (or 500)] (#860)
Wirtgen, Herb. Pl. Crit. Sel. Fl. Rhenan. [1 - ? 875] (#861)
Wirtgen, Herb. Pl. Sel. Fl. Rhenan., Ed. II [1 - 1080] (#862)
Wirtgen, Herb. Rhein. Verbasken [18-Jan] (#863)
Wirtgen, Herb. Ruborum Rhenan. [1 - 200] (#864)
Wirtgen, Herb. Ruborum Rhenan., Ed. 2 [1 - ? 200] (#865)
Wirtgen, Herb. Ruborum Rhenan., Ed. 3 [1 - ? 200] (#866)
Wirtgen, Schul-Herb. [1 - 400] (#867)
Wissinger & Wissinger, Herb. Gräser [1 - 36 [44]] (#869)
Witte, Sven. Vallväxt. [Jan-35] (#870)
Witte, Sven. Vallväxt., Ed. 2 [Jan-35] (#871)
Witte, Vallväxtherb. [Jan-35] (#872)
Witte, Vallväxtherb., Ed. 2 [Jan-35] (#873)
Wittrock, Erythraeae Exs. [Jan-64] (#874)
Wo?oszczak, Fl. Polon. Exs. [601 - 1031] (#878)
Wooton, New Mexico Pl. [1 - ~ 500] (#875)
Woronow & Schelkownikow, Herb. Fl. Cauc. [1 - 400] (#876)
Worthington, Exs. Fl. N. Chihuahua Desert [1 - ?] (#877)
Wullschlägel, Pl. Ins. Antigua Jamaica [1 ? - 900 ?] (#879)
Zahn, Hieracioth. Eur. [1 - 900] (#880)
Zenker, Pl. Kamerun. [? 1 - ? 600] (#881)
Zohary & Feinbrun, Fl. Exs. Palaest. [1 - 100] (#882)
Zohary & Jahlom, Fl. Palaest. Exs. [101 - 200] (#883)
Zollinger, Pl. Japon. [1 - 641] (#884)
Zollinger, Pl. Javan. [1 - ? 3605] (#885)
Add Exsiccata Number
Exsiccata Number:
#4a -
Agrostis alba
, Biltmore Herbarium (4a) 1897-06-28
#15b -
Aletris farinosa
, Biltmore Herbarium (15b) 1897-06-16
#17a -
Dianthus armeria
, [Anonymous] (17a) 1903-06-09
#18b -
Sphenopholis nitida
, Biltmore Herbarium (18b) 1897-06-03
#23b -
Andropogon gerardi
, Biltmore Herbarium (23b) 1898-09-02
#24 -
Verbesina alternifolia
, Biltmore Herbarium (24) 1896-08-06
#24b -
Verbesina alternifolia
, Biltmore Herbarium (24b) 1897-09-14
#25g -
Lyonia mariana
, [Anonymous] (25g) 1903-05-06
#27f -
Asimina triloba
, [Anonymous] (27f) 1903-05-08
#32i -
Asarum canadense
, [Anonymous] (32i) 1903-05-16
#35j -
Amorpha herbacea
, [Anonymous] (358) 1904-07-04
#41b -
Arabidopsis lyrata
, Biltmore Herbarium (41b) 1897-04-14
#56c -
Homalosorus pycnocarpos
, [Anonymous] (56C) 1903-06-03
#57g -
Athyrium filix-femina var. asplenioides
, [Anonymous] (57g) 1901-06-27
#57j -
Athyrium filix-femina var. asplenioides
, [Anonymous] (57j) 1903-05-21
#58f -
Asplenium trichomanes
, [Anonymous] (58f) 1903-05-06
#70c -
Asplenium montanum
, Biltmore Herbarium (70c) 1897-07-13
#70f -
Asplenium montanum
, [Anonymous] (70f) 1903-05-07
#72a -
Aconitum uncinatum subsp. uncinatum
, Biltmore Herbarium (72a) 1897-09-09
#79 -
Apocynum cannabinum
, [Anonymous] (79) 1898-06-00
#80b -
Apocynum androsaemifolium
, Biltmore Herbarium (80b) 1897-07-16
#88e -
Aquilegia canadensis
, [Anonymous] (88e) 1903-05-08
#98b -
Asclepias tuberosa
, Biltmore Herbarium (98b) 1897-06-30
#110 -
Doellingeria infirma
, [Anonymous] (110) 1909-09-10
#114 -
Acer pennsylvanicum
, [Anonymous] (114) 1898-05-00
#118 -
Acer spicatum
, [Anonymous] (118) 1898-06-14
#120b -
Asclepias longifolia subsp. longifolia
, Biltmore Herbarium (120b) 1895-07-13
#122b -
Buckleya distichophylla
, Biltmore Herbarium (122b) 1897-05-12
#122c -
Buckleya distichophylla
, Biltmore Herbarium (122c) 1897-10-21
#122d -
Buckleya distichophylla
, [Anonymous] (122d) 1904-09-15
#122e -
Buckleya distichophylla
, [Anonymous] (122e) 1909-10-10
#128a -
Bromus ciliatus
, Unknown (s.n.) 1897-07-02
#143b -
Bigelowia nudata
, Biltmore Herbarium (143b) 1885-09-14
#144c -
Cystopteris protrusa
, [Anonymous] (144c) 1898-07-08
#154b -
Cornus florida
, Biltmore Herbarium (154b) 1897-05-14
#155b -
Cynodon dactylon
#158a -
Conopholis americana
, Biltmore Herbarium (158a) 1897-04-26
#162 -
Castanea pumila var. pumila
, Biltmore Herbarium (162) 1896-05-26
#167b -
Cirsium altissimum
, Not evident (s.n.) 1897-09-03
#170b -
Ceanothus americanus
, Biltmore Herbarium (170b) 1897-06-12
#174b -
Coreopsis linifolia
, Biltmore Herbarium (174b) 1879-09-22
#176b -
Coreopsis auriculata
, Biltmore Herbarium (176b) 1897-05-20
#176n -
Coreopsis auriculata
, [Anonymous] (176n) 1903-05-01
#179b -
Caltha palustris
, Biltmore Herbarium (179b) 1897-04-13
#182b -
Hasteola suaveolens
, [Anonymous] (182b) 1909-08-20
#184b -
Carya cordiformis
, [Anonymous] (184b) 1897-05-20
#193 -
Cymophyllus fraserianus
, Biltmore Herbarium (193) 1896-03-31
#193b -
Cymophyllus fraserianus
, Biltmore Herbarium (193b) 1897-03-24
#203e -
Carex digitalis var. digitalis
, Unknown (s.n.) 1997-06-10
#205b -
Carex allegheniensis
, Biltmore Herbarium (205b) 1897-06-10
#215h -
Adiantum capillus-veneris
, [Anonymous] (215h) 1903-09-05
#223a -
Carex debilis var. rudgei
, Biltmore Herbarium (223a) 1897-07-15
#232c -
Carex cephalophora
, [Anonymous] (232c) 1903-06-01
#235c -
Carex hirsutella
, Biltmore Herbarium (235c) 1897-06-12
#255b -
Minuartia caroliniana
, Biltmore Herbarium (255b) 1897-06-20
#262a -
Carex laevivaginata
, Biltmore Herbarium (262a) 1897-05-28
#271a -
Carex leptalea
, Biltmore Herbarium (271a) 1897-06-09
#293 -
Campanulastrum americanum
, [Anonymous] (293) 1903-08-20
#294 -
Campanula aparinoides
, [Anonymous] (294) 1899-07-05
#302b -
Claytonia virginica
, Biltmore Herbarium (302b) 1897-04-24
#307c -
Coreopsis pubescens var. pubescens
, Biltmore Herbarium (307c) 1897-08-02
#309h -
Asplenium rhizophyllum
, [Anonymous] (309h) 1903-05-12
#311c -
Commelina erecta
, Biltmore Herbarium (311c) 1897-08-17
#312b -
Comandra umbellata
, Biltmore Herbarium (312b) 1897-05-20
#313p -
Bletia purpurea
, [Anonymous] (313) 1905-06-28
#314 -
Cercis canadensis
, Biltmore Herbarium (314) 1896-04-20
#318d -
Clematis ochroleuca
, Biltmore Herbarium (318d) 1902-05-17
#321b -
Chelone lyonii
, Biltmore Herbarium (321b) 1897-07-08
#321c -
Chelone lyonii
, [Anonymous] (321c) 1904-07-20
#324d -
Sicyos angulatus
, [Anonymous] (324d) 1903-06-06
#333e -
Crataegus phaenopyrum
, [Anonymous] (333e) 1909-09-30
#336b -
Clinopodium coccineum
, Biltmore Herbarium (336b) 1896-10-07
#340b -
Dulichium arundinaceum
, Biltmore Herbarium (340b) 1897-09-30
#341k -
Cornus amomum
, [Anonymous] (341) 1903-06-18
#343b -
Danthonia spicata
, Biltmore Herbarium (343b) 1897-06-09
#353a -
Dirca palustris
, [Anonymous] (353a) 1903-05-05
#356b -
Deschampsia flexuosa
, [Anonymous] (356b) 1897-06-09
#365b -
Cardamine concatenata
, Biltmore Hebarium (365b) 1897-04-06
#369b -
Epifagus virginiana
, Biltmore Herbarium (369b) 1897-09-22
#383a -
Agrostis alba
, Biltmore Herbarium (383a) 1897-07-06
#384b -
Eragrostis spectabilis
#385b -
Catalpa bignonioides
, Biltmore Herbarium (385b) 1897-06-23
#387a -
Minuartia michauxii
, [Anonymous] (687a) 1903-07-03
#391b -
Senna hebecarpa
, Biltmore Herbarium (391b) 1897-10-02
#397a -
Eupatorium rotundifolium
, Biltmore Herbarium (397a) 1897-08-23
#400b -
Ageratina aromatica
, Biltmore Herbarium (400b) 1897-09-04
#401k -
Ageratina altissima var. roanensis
, [Anonymous] (401k) 1909-09-10
#410b -
Elymus villosus
, Biltmore Herbarium (410b) 1897-07-02
#416b -
Erigeron pulchellus
, Biltmore Herbarium (416b) 1897-04-24
#425b -
Erythronium umbilicatum
, Biltmore Herbarium (425b) 1897-04-13
#426 -
Castanea dentata
, Biltmore Herbarium (426) 1896-06-25
#426b -
Castanea dentata
, Biltmore Herbarium (426b) 1897-07-01
#437c -
Coreopsis verticillata
, [Anonymous] (437c) 1901-06-06
#439e -
Festuca subverticillata
, [Anonymous] (439) 1903-06-03
#440b -
Festuca pratensis
, Biltmore Herbarium (440b) 1897-06-12
#452 -
Hexastylis shuttleworthii
, Biltmore Herbarium (452) 1896-05-13
#457i -
Geum canadense var. texanum
, [Anonymous] (45) 1903-05-16
#460c -
Sophronanthe pilosa
, Biltmore Herbarium (460c) 1898-08-15
#461c -
Gratiola viscidula
, Biltmore Herbarium (461c) 1897-07-19
#465b -
Gentiana quinqueflora
, Biltmore Herbarium (465b) 1897-09-21
#466c -
Gentiana saponaria
, Biltmore Herbarium (466c) 1898-10-07
#470 -
Gaylussacia orocola
, Biltmore Herbarium (470) 1896-05-25
#471f -
Ipomopsis rubra
, [Anonymous] (471f) 1903-06-12
#473b -
Geranium maculatum
, [Anonymous] (473b) 1897-06-11
#477i -
Agalinis tenuifolia var. tenuifolia
, [Anonymous] (477i) 1903-09-08
#481 -
Aureolaria pedicularia
, Biltmore Herbarium (481) 1897-08-27
#496 -
Isachne albens
, [Anonymous] (496) 1906-04-00
#496a -
Helianthus strumosus
, Biltmore Herbarium (496a) 1897-08-25
#496b -
Festuca obtusa
, Biltmore Herbarium (439b) 1897-07-01
#498c -
Helianthus hirsutus
, Biltmore Herbarium (498c) 1897-08-23
#499 -
Helianthus atrorubens
, [Anonymous] (499) 1896-08-10
#499a -
Helianthus atrorubens
, [Anonymous] (499a) 1897-08-31
#502b -
Helianthus occidentalis
, Biltmore Herbarium (502b) 1897-08-23
#503b -
Helianthus angustifolius
, [Anonymous] (503) 1903-09-16
#503c -
Helianthus angustifolius
, [Anonymous] (503c) 1897-10-00
#507a -
Heuchera americana var. americana
, Biltmore Herbarium (507a) 1897-06-10
#507h -
Heuchera americana var. americana
, [Anonymous] (507h) 1905-06-20
#511d -
Hibiscus moscheutos
, Biltmore Herbarium (511d) 1897-08-17
#513k -
Heliopsis helianthoides var. helianthoides
, [Anonymous] (513k) 1903-09-04
#514a -
Holcus lanatus
, [Anonymous] (514a) 1897-06-19
#517b -
Houstonia purpurea var. purpurea
, Biltmore Herbarium (519b) 1897-06-11
#518g -
Stenaria nigricans var. nigricans
, [Anonymous] (5189) 1903-06-19
#520c -
Halesia carolina
, Biltmore Herbarium (520c) 1897-04-27
#523b -
Hypericum virgatum
, Biltmore Herbarium (523b) 1897-07-21
#523l -
Hypericum virgatum
, [Anonymous] (523l) 1909-09-14
#524b -
Hypericum mutilum
, Biltmore Herbarium (524b) 1897-07-22
#528b -
Hydrophyllum macrophyllum
, Biltmore Herbarium (528b) 1897-05-26
#528c -
Hydrophyllum macrophyllum
, [Anonymous] (528c) 1903-05-18
#531a -
Hudsonia montana
, [Anonymous] (531a) 1904-07-20
#531c -
Hudsonia montana
, [Anonymous] (531c) 1909-09-15
#534a -
Hieracium paniculatum
, [Anonymous] (534a) 1905-08-12
#539s -
Ilex decidua
, [Anonymous] (539s) 1903-08-28
#544C -
Lonicera dioica
, Biltmore Herbarium (544C) 1897-06-23
#545b -
Chamaedaphne calyculata
, Biltmore Herbarium (545b) 1897-03-20
#549a -
Allium tricoccum
, Biltmore Herbarium (549a) 1897-06-08
#557 -
Kalmia cuneata
, Biltmore Herbarium (557) 1896-06-12
#559c -
Krigia dandelion
, [Anonymous] (559c) 1903-04-18
#563e -
Poa chapmaniana
, [Anonymous] (5680e) 1905-05-04
#570b -
Lilium philadelphicum
, [Anonymous] (570) 1905-06-25
#580a -
Liatris squarrosa var. gracilenta
, Biltmore Herbarium (580a) 1897-07-30
#580l -
Liatris squarrosa var. squarrosa
, [Anonymous] (580l) 1903-08-17
#586a -
Lespedeza capitata
, Biltmore Herbarium (583a) 1897-09-02
#612b -
Leersia virginica
, Biltmore Herbarium (612b) 1898-09-01
#616b -
Lamium amplexicaule
, [Anonymous] (616b) 1897-04-02
#619a -
Lysimachia quadrifolia
, Biltmore Herbarium (619a) 1897-05-29
#622 -
Lobelia amoena
, Biltmore Herbarium (622) 1896-09-01
#622c -
Lobelia amoena
, BILTMORE HERBARIUM (622) 1897-09-09
#622e -
Lobelia amoena
, [Anonymous] (622e) 1909-09-10
#625b -
Lobelia spicata
, Biltmore Herbarium (625b) 1897-08-03
#634e -
Veratrum hybridum
, [Anonymous] (634e) 1905-08-22
#645b -
Melica mutica
, Biltmore Herbarium (646b) 1897-05-08
#646a -
Mentha spicata
, [Anonymous] (646a) 1897-07-21
#662d -
Nyssa sylvatica
, [Anonymous] (662d) 1903-05-09
#664 -
Minuartia glabra
, Biltmore Herbarium (664) 1897-04-28
#669b -
Oenothera tetragona subsp. glauca
, Biltmore Herbarium (669b) 1897-06-10
#673a -
Oenothera fruticosa subsp. glauca
, [Anonymous] (673a) 1903-06-03
#675c -
Osmunda claytoniana
, Biltmore Herbarium (675c) 1897-05-11
#677b -
Osmunda cinnamomea
, Biltmore Herbarium (677b) 1897-05-14
#682b -
Cartrema americanum
, Biltmore Herbarium (682b) 1897-07-14
#689d -
Minuartia patula
, [Anonymous] (689d) 1903-05-13
#698b -
Dichanthelium ovale var. addisonii
, Biltmore Herbarium (698b) 1898-08-24
#703k -
Phlox divaricata
, [Anonymous] (703k) 1903-05-07
#706a -
Phlox glaberrima
, Biltmore Herbarium (706a) 1897-06-21
#706q -
Phlox glaberrima
, [Anonymous] (706g) 1905-07-18
#707e -
Phlox glaberrima subsp. triflora
, [Anonymous] (707) 1903-05-19
#708b -
Fothergilla major
, Biltmore Herbarium (708b) 1897-04-20
#711c -
Phlox nivalis var. hentzii
, Biltmore Herbarium (711c) 1897-04-28
#715 -
Paronychia argyrocoma
, Biltmore Herbarium (715) 1896-06-05
#715b -
Paronychia argyrocoma
, Biltmore Herbarium (715b) 1897-07-02
#728b -
Polygala verticillata var. verticillata
, Biltmore Herbarium (728b) 1897-07-22
#730b -
Polygala senega
, Biltmore Herbarium (730b) 1897-05-31
#731j -
Polygala cruciata
, [Anonymous] (731j) 1902-08-01
#740j -
Penstemon hirsutus
, [Anonymous] (740j) 1903-06-01
#742e -
Prosartes lanuginosa
, [Anonymous] (742e) 1903-05-05
#747a -
Pycnanthemum pycnanthemoides
, Biltmore Herbarium (747a) 1897-07-10
#749b -
Pycnanthemum montanum
, Biltmore Herbarium (749b) 1897-07-22
#750b -
Pycnanthemum flexuosum
, Biltmore Herbarium (750b) 1897-06-19
#753b -
Plantago lanceolata
, Biltmore Herbarium (753b) 1897-07-22
#754a -
Plantago aristata
, Biltmore Herbarium (754a) 1897-06-17
#760b -
Pyrrhopappus pauciflorus
, [Anonymous] (760b) 1903-04-11
#768 -
Pyrularia pubera
, Biltmore Herbarium (768) 1896-05-08
#768d -
Pyrularia pubera
, [Anonymous] (768d) 1897-05-20
#786b -
Phacelia dubia
, Biltmore Herbarium (786b) 1897-05-03
#797k -
Dichanthelium depauperatum
, [Anonymous] (797k) 1902-05-26
#800a -
Dichanthelium dichotomum var. dichotomum
, Anonymous (219) 1897-06-10
#802b -
Dichanthelium commutatum
, Biltmore Herbarium (802b) 1897-06-10
#803a -
Dichanthelium dichotomum var. ramulosum
, Biltmore Herbarium (803a) 1897-06-16
#819 -
Quercus muehlenbergii
, Biltmore Herbarium (819) 1896-04-29
#843 -
Allium allegheniense
, Ashe, William Willard (s.n.) 1897-07-16
#843b -
Ranunculus pusillus
, Biltmore Herbarium (843b) 1897-05-13
#852b -
Rudbeckia hirta
, Biltmore Herbarium (852b) 1897-06-29
#855b -
Rosa humilis
, Biltmore Herbarium (855b) 1897-06-11
#862d -
Rhynchospora ciliaris
, [Anonymous] (862d) 1902-06-24
#862f -
Rhynchospora ciliaris
, [Anonymous] (662f) 1905-07-15
#864a -
Rhynchospora filifolia
, Biltmore Herbarium (864a) 1897-07-01
#866b -
Rhododendron arborescens
, Biltmore Herbarium (866b) date unknown
#867b -
Rhododendron periclymenoides
, [Anonymous] (867b) 1903-05-11
#868b -
Rhynchosia cytisoides
, Biltmore Herbarium (868b) date unknown
#872 -
Rhus michauxii
, Biltmore Herbarium (872a) 1896-07-01
#872b -
Rhus michauxii
, Harbison, Thomas Grant (s.n.) 1897-07-02
#873 -
Robinia hispida var. rosea
, Biltmore Herbarium (873) 1896-05-26
#881f -
Asclepias connivens
, [Anonymous] (881f) 1905-07-08
#885b -
Micranthes micranthidifolia
, Biltmore Herbarium (885b) 1897-04-27
#886 -
Stewartia ovata
, Biltmore Herbarium (886) 1896-06-28
#886b -
Stewartia ovata
, Biltmore Herbarium (886b) 1897-07-03
#888h -
Stylosanthes biflora
, [Anonymous] (888h) 1903-08-04
#895a -
Andropogon ternarius
, William W. Ashe (s.n.) 1897-10-00
#902f -
Smilax herbacea
, [Anonymous] (902) 1909-09-18
#903b -
Sabatia brevifolia
, Biltmore Herbarium (903b) 1895-10-02
#907e -
Sporobolus clandestinus
, [Anonymous] (9072) 1903-09-14
#919 -
Shortia galacifolia
, Biltmore Herbarium (919) 1896-03-31
#919b -
Shortia galacifolia
, [Anonymous] (919b) 1897-04-07
#920b -
Andropogon glomeratus
, Biltmore Herbarium (920b) 1898-09-26
#923h -
Ludwigia pilosa
, [Anonymous] (923h) date unknown
#923q -
Mimosa microphylla
, [Anonymous] (923g) 1905-07-21
#928i -
Mimosa microphylla
, [Anonymous] (928i) 1909-08-12
#931c -
Solidago rugosa var. rugosa
, Biltmore Herbarium (931c) 1897-09-08
#937b -
Arabidopsis thaliana
, Biltmore Herbarium (937b) 1897-04-15
#940l -
Solidago curtisii
, [Anonymous] (940l) 1909-09-16
#941c -
Solidago missouriensis
, [Anonymous] (941c) 1903-10-03
#946b -
Solidago nemoralis
, Biltmore Herbarium (946b) 1897-09-21
#956g -
Scutellaria elliptica var. hirsuta
, [Anonymous] (906q) 1903-06-01
#956h -
Scutellaria elliptica var. hirsuta
, [Anonymous] (956h) 1903-06-02
#983b -
Senecio vulgaris
, Biltmore Herbarium (983b) 1897-05-04
#985b -
Solidago flexicaulis
, Biltmore Herbarium (985b) 1897-09-23
#992d -
Solidago gigantea
, [Anonymous] (992d) 1903-09-01
#993c -
Euthamia graminifolia
, [Anonymous] (993c) 1903-09-01
#999k -
Silene virginica
, [Anonymous] (999k) 1903-05-04
#1007b -
Sericocarpus linifolius
, Biltmore Herbarium (1007b) 1897-06-25
#1015d -
Thalictrum clavatum
, [Anonymous] (1015d) 1903-05-22
#1025e -
Thermopsis fraxinifolia
, [Anonymous] (1025E) 1905-08-12
#1028b -
Trillium catesbaei
, Biltmore Herbarium (1028B) 1897-05-08
#1030b -
Tilia heterophylla
, Biltmore Herbarium (1030b) 1897-07-05
#1033a -
Boechera laevigata
, Biltmore Herbarium (1033a) 1897-04-16
#1034 -
Trautvetteria caroliniensis
, Biltmore Herbarium (1034) 1896-06-09
#1048 -
Aralia hispida
, [Anonymous] (1048) 1900-10-11
#1056b -
Vaccinium crassifolium
, Biltmore Herbarium (1056b) 1897-07-13
#1059b -
Vaccinium hirsutum
, Biltmore Herbarium (1059b) 1897-05-23
#1060 -
Vaccinium stamineum
, Biltmore Herbarium (1060) 1896-00-00
#1061 -
Vaccinium fuscatum
, Biltmore Herbarium (1061) 1896-04-25
#1063 -
Vaccinium arboreum
, [Anonymous] (1063) 1902-05-25
#1063o -
Vaccinium arboreum
, [Anonymous] (1063o) 1903-08-17
#1064l -
Viburnum nudum
, [Anonymous] (1064l) 1905-07-09
#1066a -
Viburnum acerifolium
, Biltmore Herbarium (1066a) 1897-05-18
#1081b -
Viola rotundifolia
, Biltmore Herbarium (1081b) 1897-03-26
#1090a -
Arenaria serpyllifolia
, [Anonymous] (1090a) 1898-06-24
#1113b -
Aristida purpurascens var. purpurascens
, Biltmore Herbarium (1113b) 1898-09-30
#1135c -
Trillium erectum
, Biltmore Herbarium (1135c) 1897-05-08
#1164b -
Draba ramosissima
, Biltmore Herbarium (1164b) 1897-04-26
#1164d -
Draba ramosissima
, [Anonymous] (1164d) 1903-06-30
#1165b -
Draba verna
, [Anonymous] (1165b) 1897-03-22
#1173 -
Pinus echinata
, Biltmore Herbarium (1173) 1896-05-00
#1173b -
Pinus echinata
, Biltmore Herbarium (1173b) 1897-05-13
#1178b -
Polygala curtissii
, Biltmore Herbarium (1178b) 1897-07-31
#1179a -
Polygala sanguinea
, Biltmore Herbarium (1179a) 1898-06-28
#1181b -
Heuchera parviflora var. parviflora
, Biltmore Herbarium (1181b) 1897-09-13
#1192 -
Viola palmata var. palmata
, [Anonymous] (1192) 1903-05-10
#1193b -
Viola cucullata
, [Anonymous] (1193b) 1903-05-12
#1196a -
Viola striata
, Biltmore Herbarium (1196a) 1897-04-28
#1196e -
Viola striata
, [Anonymous] (1196e) 1903-05-02
#1197b -
Viola hastata
, Biltmore Herbarium (1197b) 1897-05-31
#1201 -
Hexastylis arifolia
, Biltmore Herbarium (1201) 1896-04-25
#1202c -
Asarum virginicum
, [Anonymous] (1202c) 1898-06-08
#1203b -
Dryopteris marginalis
, [Anonymous] (1203f) 1903-05-18
#1204c -
Micranthes virginiensis
, Biltmore Herbarium (1204c) 1897-04-15
#1205 -
Turritis glabra
, Biltmore Herbarium (1205) 1896-06-03
#1206 -
Arundinaria gigantea subsp. macrosperma
, Unknown (s.n.) 1896-05-04
#1206b -
Arundinaria gigantea subsp. macrosperma
, Unknown (s.n.) 1897-04-19
#1207k -
Botrypus virginianus
, [Anonymous] (1207k) 1903-05-06
#1209c -
Cardamine rotundifolia
, [Anonymous] (1209e) 1903-05-21
#1212 -
Nestronia umbellula
, Biltmore Herbarium (1212) 1896-05-11
#1212b -
Nestronia umbellula
, Biltmore Herbarium (1212b) 1897-05-11
#1214 -
Dodecatheon meadia
, Biltmore Herbarium (1214) 1896-05-02
#1216b -
Houstonia serpyllifolia
, Biltmore Herbarium (1216b) 1897-05-20
#1216c -
Houstonia serpyllifolia
, [Anonymous] (1216c) 1904-06-15
#1217 -
Crocanthemum canadense
, Biltmore Herbarium (1217) 1896-05-23
#1217b -
Crocanthemum canadense
, Biltmore Herbarium (1217b) 1897-05-29
#1218b -
Platanthera flava var. herbiola
, Biltmore Herbarium (1218b) 1897-06-22
#1220b -
Iris cristata
, Biltmore Herbarium (1220b) 1897-05-04
#1222d -
Lathyrus venosus
, [Anonymous] (1222d) 1903-05-12
#1224b -
Myosotis laxa subsp. laxa
, Biltmore Herbarium (1224b) 1897-06-02
#1225a -
Oxalis grandis
, Biltmore Herbarium (1225a) 1897-06-02
#1231c -
Micranthes petiolaris
, Biltmore Herbarium (1231c) 1897-05-04
#1233b -
Packera anonyma
, Biltmore Herbarium (1233b) 1897-06-11
#1238b -
Trillium undulatum
, Biltmore Herbarium (1238b) 1897-05-01
#1239h -
Xanthorhiza simplicissima
, [Anonymous] (1239h) 1903-07-06
#1241e -
Borodinia canadensis
, [Anonymous] (1241) 1903-05-12
#1244b -
Corylus americana
, Biltmore Herbarium (1244b) 1897-09-09
#1269b -
Prunus americana
, Biltmore Herbarium (1269a) 1897-04-10
#1269h -
Prunus mexicana
, [Anonymous] (1269) 1903-09-03
#1272a -
Hypericum nudiflorum
, Biltmore Herbarium (1272a) 1898-07-09
#1272b -
Hypericum nudiflorum
, Biltmore Herbarium (1272b) 1897-07-13
#1272f -
Hypericum nudiflorum
, [Anonymous] (1272f) 1909-09-11
#1274i -
Hypericum frondosum
, [Anonymous] (1274) 1909-09-21
#1282b -
Physocarpus opulifolius
, Biltmore Herbarium (1282b) 1897-09-08
#1288 -
Arisaema triphyllum
, [Anonymous] (1288) 1899-06-20
#1291b -
Capnoides sempervirens
, Biltmore Herbarium (1291b) 1897-06-03
#1295 -
Uvularia sessilifolia
, Biltmore Herbarium (1295) 1896-04-17
#1301b -
Packera millefolium
, Biltmore Herbarium (1301b) 1897-05-04
#1302d -
Strophostyles helvola
, [Anonymous] (1302d) 1903-09-19
#1304b -
Hydrangea radiata
, [Anonymous] (1304b) 1909-10-10
#1308b -
Rudbeckia laciniata var. digitata
, Biltmore Herbarium (1308b) 1897-09-02
#1310b -
Trifolium reflexum
, Biltmore Herbarium (1310b) 1897-06-02
#1316b -
Acer negundo
, Biltmore Herbarium (1316b) 1897-04-07
#1322 -
Smilax glauca
, Biltmore Herbarium (1322) 1896-05-19
#1324b -
Diervilla sessilifolia
, Biltmore Herbarium (1324b) 1897-07-01
#1324f -
Diervilla sessilifolia
, [Anonymous] (1324) 1909-09-16
#1329d -
Isotrema macrophyllum
, [Anonymous] (1329d) 1903-05-05
#1331c -
Boykinia aconitifolia
, [Anonymous] (1331e) 1903-07-14
#1332b -
Thermopsis villosa
, Biltmore Herbarium (1332b) 1897-07-03
#1333 -
Pieris floribunda
, Biltmore Herbarium (1333) 1896-04-28
#1333b -
Pieris floribunda
, Biltmore Herbarium (1333b) 1897-05-08
#1335 -
Gaylussacia ursina
, Biltmore Herbarium (1335) 1896-05-11
#1335b -
Gaylussacia ursina
, Biltmore Herbarium (1335b) 1897-05-26
#1337a -
Galium latifolium
, Biltmore Herbarium (1337a) 1897-06-21
#1339b -
Hydrangea cinerea
, Biltmore Herbarium (1339b) 1897-06-21
#1339n -
Hydrangea arborescens
, [Anonymous] (1339) 1903-06-03
#1340 -
Holosteum umbellatum
, Unknown (s.n.) 1896-04-18
#1340b -
Holosteum umbellatum
, Biltmore Herbarium (1340b) date unknown
#1342 -
Ilex montana
, [Anonymous] (1342) 1905-05-10
#1344b -
Kalmia carolina
, Biltmore Herbarium (1344b) 1897-05-25
#1344d -
Kalmia carolina
, Biltmore Herbarium (1344d) 1943-07-20
#1347 -
Krigia virginica
, [Anonymous] (1347) 1905-05-10
#1349b -
Eubotrys recurva
, Biltmore Herbarium (1349b) 1897-05-01
#1354 -
Silene latifolia
, Biltmore Herbarium (1354) 1896-06-10
#1355b -
Magnolia fraseri
, Biltmore Herbarium (1355b) 1897-05-08
#1357 -
Magnolia acuminata
, Biltmore Herbarium (1357) 1896-05-02
#1357b -
Magnolia acuminata
, Biltmore Herbarium (1357b) 1897-05-10
#1358 -
Menziesia pilosa
, Biltmore Herbarium (1358) 1896-05-05
#1358d -
Menziesia pilosa
, [Anonymous] (1358d) 1909-09-10
#1358e -
Menziesia pilosa
, [Anonymous] (1358) 1903-06-29
#1360b -
Myosotis verna
, [Anonymous] (1360b) 1897-04-28
#1360c -
Myosotis verna
, Biltmore Herbarium (1360c) 1897-05-04
#1361b -
Uvularia puberula
, Biltmore Herbarium (1361b) 1897-05-01
#1362e -
Osmorhiza claytonii
, [Anonymous] (1362e) 1903-05-21
#1364b -
Pachysandra procumbens
, Biltmore Herbarium (1364b) 1897-03-24
#1368g -
Proserpinaca pectinata
, [Anonymous] (1368) 1905-07-12
#1371 -
Aronia arbutifolia
, [Anonymous] (1371) 1905-05-10
#1384 -
Smilax rotundifolia
, Biltmore Herbarium (1384) 1896-08-26
#1387b -
Sabatia difformis
, Biltmore Herbarium (1387b) 1897-07-03
#1392d -
Vitis riparia
, [Anonymous] (1392d) 1903-05-16
#1394b -
Parnassia asarifolia
, Biltmore Herbarium (1394b) 1897-09-03
#1394c -
Parnassia asarifolia
, Biltmore Herbarium (1394c) 1897-08-28
#1409b -
Asclepias michauxii
, Biltmore Herbarium (1409b) 1890-04-24
#1422a -
Asclepias verticillata
, Biltmore Herbarium (1422a) 1897-08-02
#1424a -
Asclepias viridula
, Biltmore Herbarium (1424a) 1890-07-01
#1462b -
Oclemena acuminata
, Biltmore Herbarium (1462b) 1897-08-07
#1473a -
Symphyotrichum chapmanii
, Biltmore Herbarium (1473a) 1895-10-11
#1478 -
Symphyotrichum retroflexum
, Biltmore Herbarium (1478) 1897-09-08
#1478a -
Symphyotrichum retroflexum
, Biltmore Herbarium (1478a) 1898-09-12
#1478b -
Symphyotrichum retroflexum
, [Anonymous] (1478) 1909-09-14
#1509b -
Symphyotrichum shortii
, [Anonymous] (1509b) 1903-09-05
#1511a -
Eurybia spinulosa
, Biltmore Herbarium (1511a) 1895-07-14
#1514f -
Eurybia paludosa
, [Anonymous] (1514f) 1903-10-10
#1534b -
Astragalus canadensis var. carolinianus
, Biltmore Herbarium (1534b) 1897-08-08
#1585b -
Azolla caroliniana
, Biltmore Herbarium (1585b) 1897-06-09
#1608g -
Astranthium integrifolium
, [Anonymous] (1608g) 1903-04-13
#1618 -
Betula lenta
, Biltmore Herbarium (1618) 1897-04-27
#1619 -
Betula alleghaniensis
, Biltmore Herbarium (1619) 1897-09-21
#1651 -
Boehmeria cylindrica
, [Anonymous] (1651) 1905-07-11
#1665b -
Stylisma patens subsp. patens
, Chapman, A. H. (1665b) 1889-08-02
#1688k -
Sideroxylon lanuginosum subsp. oblongifolium
, [Anonymous] (1688k) 1903-09-14
#1698d -
Croton monanthogynus
, [Anonymous] (16982) 1903-09-01
#1720j -
Callicarpa americana
, [Anonymous] (1720j) 1903-09-15
#1722c -
Callirhoe involucrata
, [Anonymous] (1722) 1903-05-20
#1727c -
Callitriche heterophylla subsp. heterophylla
, [Anonymous] (1727c) 1903-06-26
#1760b -
Cardamine pensylvanica
, [Anonymous] (1760b) 1903-05-01
#1761b -
Cardiospermum halicacabum
, [Anonymous] (1761) 1903-08-27
#1782b -
Carex flaccosperma
, [Anonymous] (1782) 1903-05-12
#1783a -
Carex floridana
, Alvan W. Chapman (s.n.) date unknown
#1793a -
Carex intumescens
, Biltmore Herbarium (1793a) 1897-07-02
#1795a -
Carex misera
, Biltmore Herbarium (1795a) 1897-07-13
#1796a -
Carex leptonervia
, Biltmore Herbarium (1796a) 1897-06-09
#1803a -
Carex oligocarpa
, Biltmore Herbarium (1803a) 1896-05-26
#1805 -
Carex plantaginea
, Biltmore Herbarium (1805) 1897-04-20
#1805b -
Carex plantaginea
, [Anonymous] (1805b) 1903-05-06
#1816 -
Carex normalis
, Biltmore Herbarium (1816) 1897-07-02
#1819e -
Hypericum buckleyi
, [Anonymous] (1319e) 1909-09-11
#1827 -
Carex trisperma
, Biltmore Herbarium (1827) 1897-09-02
#1833c -
Carphephorus bellidifolius
, [Anonymous] (1833c) 1903-10-11
#1839g -
Carya aquatica
, [Anonymous] (8399) 1903-10-01
#1848b -
Festuca rubra
, Biltmore Herbarium (1848b) 1897-06-12
#1855a -
Castilleja coccinea
, Biltmore Herbarium (1855a) 1897-06-02
#1855b -
Castilleja coccinea
, Biltmore Herbarium (1855b) 1897-05-05
#1878f -
Celastrus scandens
, [Anonymous] (878f) 1903-05-26
#1879b -
Iresine diffusa
, [Anonymous] (1879f) 1903-09-04
#1880b -
Celtis tenuifolia
, Biltmore Herbarium (1880b) 1897-08-07
#1880h -
Celtis laevigata
, [Anonymous] (1880h) 1903-04-11
#1955a -
Pityopsis aspera
, Ashe, William Willard (s.n.) 1897-10-00
#1955i -
Pityopsis graminifolia
, [Anonymous] (1955i) 1903-09-25
#1966a -
Actaea podocarpa
, Biltmore Herbarium (1966a) 1897-09-14
#1967a -
Circaea alpina
, Biltmore Herbarium (1967a) 1897-06-10
#1967b -
Circaea alpina subsp. alpina
, Biltmore Herbarium (1967b) 1897-07-08
#1967e -
Circaea alpina subsp. alpina
, [Anonymous] (1967) 1903-07-14
#1968b -
Circaea lutetiana subsp. canadensis
, Biltmore Herbarium (1968b) 1897-06-28
#1971i -
Ampelopsis arborea
, [Anonymous] (1971) 1903-09-21
#1993a -
Clematis drummondii
, [Anonymous] (1993a) 1903-06-23
#2006b -
Clintonia umbellulata
, Biltmore Herbarium (2006b) 1897-05-20
#2030 -
Collinsonia verticillata
, Biltmore Herbarium (2030) 1897-05-04
#2036b -
Commelina erecta
, Biltmore Herbarium (2036b) 1897-09-02
#2036c -
Commelina erecta
, Biltmore Herbarium (2036c) 1897-07-19
#2040e -
Leucospora multifida
, [Anonymous] (2040E) 1903-06-08
#2044b -
Convallaria majalis
, [Anonymous] (2044b) 1904-06-00
#2060 -
Corydalis micrantha
, [Anonymous] (2060) 1903-04-10
#2067f -
Coreopsis lanceolata
, [Anonymous] (2067f) 1903-04-13
#2075g -
Cornus drummondii
, [Anonymous] (2075g) 1903-09-03
#2082b -
Corydalis flavula
, [Anonymous] (2082b) 1903-05-01
#2097 -
Crataegus calpodendron
, Biltmore Herbarium (2097) 1897-06-03
#2097b -
Crataegus calpodendron
, Biltmore Herbarium (2097b) 1898-05-31
#2098d -
Vaccinium corymbosum
, [Anonymous] (2098d) 1903-04-25
#2110e -
Cryptotaenia canadensis
, [Anonymous] (2110e) 1903-06-12
#2121a -
Cytisus scoparius
, Biltmore Herbarium (2121a) 1897-05-01
#2126a -
Cuscuta gronovii
, [Anonymous] (2126a) 1909-10-10
#2134b -
Cyperus dipsaciformis
, Biltmore Herbarium (2134b) 1897-06-22
#2149a -
Cyperus flavescens
, Biltmore Herbarium (2149a) 1897-08-24
#2152a -
Desmodium glutinosum
, Biltmore Herbarium (2152a) 1897-08-24
#2181l -
Stenaria nigricans var. nigricans
, [Anonymous] (2181l) 1903-06-10
#2234j -
Euonymus atropurpureus var. atropurpureus
, [Anonymous] (2234j) 1903-06-05
#2252B -
Carex collinsii
, [Anonymous] (2252B) 1902-06-17
#2271a -
Equisetum hyemale var. affine
, [Anonymous] (2271a) 1897-03-27
#2353a -
Eupatorium sessilifolium
, Biltmore Herbarium (2353a) 1897-08-24
#2353e -
Eupatorium sessilifolium
, [Anonymous] (2353) 1903-09-02
#2354d -
Eupatorium hyssopifolium
, [Anonymous] (2354d) 1903-10-10
#2357b -
Eryngium integrifolium
, Biltmore Herbarium (2357b) 1897-08-12
#2357j -
Eryngium integrifolium
, [Anonymous] (2357) 1905-08-12
#2374e -
Fraxinus pennsylvanica
, [Anonymous] (2374e) 1909-08-18
#2374k -
Fraxinus pennsylvanica
, [Anonymous] (2374k) 1903-09-23
#2418b -
Sophronanthe hispida
, Biltmore Herbarium (2418b) 1876-07-29
#2487b -
Helianthus radula
, Chapman, Alvan Wentworth (s.n.) 1896-10-09
#2547a -
Hydrophyllum virginianum
, Biltmore Herbarium (2547a) 1898-05-25
#2563a -
Hypericum reductum
, Biltmore Herbarium (2563a) 1897-07-05
#2585a -
Iva frutescens
, Biltmore Herbarium (2585a) 1897-09-20
#2590b -
Indigofera miniata
, [Anonymous] (2590l) 1903-06-11
#2614d -
Juncus bufonius
, [Anonymous] (2614d) 1898-06-08
#2649c -
Meehania cordata
, [Anonymous] (2644) 1903-05-22
#2664c -
Huperzia selago
, [Anonymous] (2664) 1903-07-14
#2669b -
Liatris punctata
, [Anonymous] (2669b) 1903-09-09
#2670j -
Lacinaria scariosa var. salutans
, [Anonymous] (2670j) 1903-09-22
#2728 -
Lachnanthes caroliniana
, Biltmore Herbarium (2728) 1897-07-02
#2728D -
Lachnanthes caroliana
, [Anonymous] (2728D) 1902-06-28
#2730f -
Lantana camara
, [Anonymous] (2730f) 1903-05-29
#2754a -
Leitneria floridana
, Chapman, Alvan Wentworth (s.n.) 1897-02-00
#2775h -
Magnolia tripetala
, Biltmore Herbarium (2775h) 1902-05-15
#2870f -
Hydrolea ovata
, [Anonymous] (2870b) 1903-08-27
#2900b -
Oenothera serrulata
, [Anonymous] (2900) 1903-05-27
#2901c -
Oenothera berlandieri subsp. pinifolia
, [Anonymous] (2901c) 1903-04-18
#2923b -
Mirabilis nyctaginea
, [Anonymous] (2923f) 1903-05-16
#2928c -
Oxytropis lambertii
, [Anonymous] (2928c) 1903-05-15
#2956b -
Pluchea baccharis
, Biltmore Herbarium (2956b) 1897-07-09
#2956j -
Pluchea foetida
, [Anonymous] (2956j) 1905-07-09
#2980b -
Ptelea trifoliata var. mollis
, Biltmore Herbarium (2980b) 1897-06-30
#2980c -
Ptelea trifoliata var. mollis
, Biltmore Herbarium (2980c) 1897-06-30
#2993a -
Dichanthelium laxiflorum
, Biltmore Herbarium (2993a) 1897-06-02
#3011h -
Phlox pilosa subsp. pilosa
, [Anonymous] (3011h) 1903-04-11
#3125n -
Orbexilum pedunculatum var. psoralioides
, [Anonymous] (3125n) 1905-07-14
#3134a -
Packera dubia
, Biltmore Herbarium (3134a) 1897-05-14
#3134b -
Packera tomentosa
, [Anonymous] (3134b) 1901-04-11
#3149 -
Polygonum tenue
, Biltmore Herbarium (3149) 1897-08-02
#3149d -
Polygonum tenue
, [Anonymous] (3149d) 1905-08-02
#3198g -
Quercus shumardii
, [Anonymous] (3198) 1903-08-11
#3210d -
Rhynchosia minima
, [Anonymous] (3210d) 1903-09-14
#3216a -
Rhamnus lanceolata
, [Anonymous] (3216) 1903-05-16
#3264 -
Sedum pusillum
, Biltmore Herbarium (3264) 1897-04-15
#3268 -
Robinia hispida var. rosea
, Biltmore Herbarium (3268) 1896-05-00
#3298b -
Cubelium concolor
, Biltmore Herbarium (3298b) 1897-04-26
#3302b -
Sabatia campestris
, [Anonymous] (3302b) 1903-05-23
#3303a -
Sabatia angularis
, Biltmore Herbarium (3303a) 1897-07-30
#3305c -
Sabatia dodecandra var. dodecandra
, Biltmore Herbarium (3305c) 1897-07-17
#3364a -
Packera obovata
, Biltmore Herbarium (3364a) 1897-05-24
#3374i -
Sarracenia rubra
, [Anonymous] (3374) 1905-06-28
#3375b -
Symplocos tinctoria
, Biltmore Herbarium (3375b) 1897-04-20
#3390k -
Staphylea trifolia
, [Anonymous] (3390K) 1903-06-04
#3408a -
Sanicula canadensis var. floridana
, Biltmore Herbarium (3408a) 1897-07-01
#3408h -
Sanicula canadensis
, [Anonymous] (3408h) 1903-06-01
#3410a -
Sabal minor
, Biltmore Herbarium (3410a) 1897-07-17
#3411b -
Sabal palmetto
, Boynton (34) 1897-07-14
#3434b -
Silphium asteriscus subsp. trifoliatum
, Biltmore Herbarium (3434 b) 1897-07-26
#3438f -
Solanum elaeagnifolium
, [Anonymous] (3438) 1903-08-27
#3450f -
Scutellaria ovata subsp. ovata
, [Anonymous] (3450f) 1903-06-02
#3478b -
Lysimachia lanceolata
, Biltmore Herbarium (3478b) 1897-07-15
#3490c -
Stellaria pubera
, [Anonymous] (3490c) 1903-05-05
#3525e -
Stillingia aquatica
, [Anonymous] (3525) 1905-05-17
#3534b -
Silene stellata
, [Anonymous] (3534b) 1897-07-17
#3555a -
Tsuga caroliniana
, Biltmore Herbarium (3555a) 1897-10-19
#3571a -
Tilia floridana
, Biltmore Herbarium (3571a) 1897-06-25
#3572a -
Torreya taxifolia
, Biltmore Herbarium (3572a) 1897-03-20
#3602c -
Thelesperma megapotamicum
, [Anonymous] (3602c) 1903-05-14
#3632b -
Cuthbertia graminea
, Biltmore Herbarium (3632b) 1897-06-21
#3650j -
Verbesina virginica
, [Anonymous] (3650j) 1903-09-09
#3674a -
Viola bicolor
, Biltmore Herbarium (3674a) 1897-04-09
#3676b -
Viola tripartita
, Biltmore Herbarium (3676b) 1897-05-07
#3676c -
Viola tripartita var. glaberrima
, Biltmore Herbarium (3676c) 1897-05-05
#3683a -
Viola canadensis
, Biltmore Herbarium (3683a) 1897-04-20
#3697g -
Vaccinium corymbosum
, [Anonymous] (3697g) 1900-04-25
#3715c -
Zanthoxylum clava-herculis
, [Anonymous] (5416) 1903-06-26
#3717b -
Xyris torta
, Biltmore Herbarium (3717b) 1897-07-30
#3735g -
Cuscuta compacta
, [Anonymous] (3735g) 1909-10-08
#3736a -
Cuscuta indecora
, [Anonymous] (3736a) 1903-06-12
#3740 -
Croton capitatus
, Biltmore Herbarium (3740) 1897-08-07
#3740j -
Croton heptalon
, [Anonymous] (37408) 1903-09-18
#3758k -
Cyrilla racemiflora
, [Anonymous] (3758k) 1905-07-08
#3769a -
Diamorpha smallii
, Biltmore Herbarium (3769a) 1897-04-28
#3769b -
Sedum pusillum
, Biltmore Herbarium (3769b) 1897-05-12
#3800b -
Aureolaria virginica
, Biltmore Herbarium (3800b) 1897-07-20
#3807h -
Thyrsanthella difformis
, [Anonymous] (3807h) 1901-05-31
#3817c -
Eupatorium altissimum
, [Anonymous] (3817e) 1903-09-15
#3822h -
Eupatorium serotinum
, [Anonymous] (3822h) 1903-08-26
#3846q -
Euphorbia mercurialina
, [Anonymous] (3846q) 1901-05-02
#3847d -
Euphorbia commutata
, [Anonymous] (3847d) 1903-05-16
#3867a -
Eriocaulon decangulare
, Biltmore Herbarium (3867a) 1897-07-21
#3867b -
Eriocaulon decangulare
, Biltmore Herbarium (3867b) 1897-07-02
#3908 -
Gordonia lasianthus
, Biltmore Herbarium (3908) 1897-07-05
#3914g -
Gillenia stipulata
, [Anonymous] (3914) 1903-06-01
#3940a -
Geum vernum
, [Anonymous] (3940a) 1908-05-12
#3950a -
Galium hispidulum
, Biltmore Herbarium (3950a) 1890-08-02
#3950b -
Galium hispidulum
, Biltmore Herbarium (3950b) 1897-07-10
#3952 -
Gleditsia aquatica
, Biltmore Herbarium (3952) 1897-08-14
#3964c -
Hibiscus coccineus
, [Anonymous] (3964) 1905-07-12
#3975 -
Houstonia pusilla
, [Anonymous] (3975) 1903-04-10
#3980i -
Helenium flexuosum
, [Anonymous] (3980i) 1903-05-05
#3984a -
Phoebanthus tenuifolius
, Biltmore Herbarium (3984a) 1890-07-01
#3989f -
Hypericum lobocarpum
, [Anonymous] (3989f) 1909-09-10
#3993b -
Hypericum sphaerocarpum
, Biltmore Herbarium (3993b) 1897-08-18
#4012j -
Hydrangea quercifolia
, [Anonymous] (4012j) 1909-10-08
#4024a -
Hyptis pectinata
, Biltmore Herbarium (4024) date unknown
#4049a -
Fraxinus biltmoreana
, Biltmore Herbarium (4049a) 1897-10-02
#4049p -
Fraxinus biltmoreana
, [Anonymous] (4049t) 1903-06-14
#4063L -
Ilex longipes
, [Anonymous] (4063L) 1903-04-17
#4064f -
Ilex vomitoria
, [Anonymous] (4064f) 1903-04-11
#4079a -
Ipomoea cordatotriloba var. cordatotriloba
, [Anonymous] (4079a) 1903-09-20
#4086 -
Juncus effusus var. solutus
, Biltmore Herbarium (4086) 1897-07-01
#4088d -
Jeffersonia diphylla
, [Anonymous] (4088d) 1903-05-13
#4127a -
Leonotis nepetifolia
, Chapman, Alvan Wentworth (s.n.) 1872-06-20
#4168i -
Ludwigia virgata
, [Anonymous] (4168) 1905-07-12
#4198b -
Modiola caroliniana
, [Anonymous] (4198b) 1903-05-09
#4199a -
Macbridea alba
, Biltmore Herbarium (4199a) 1895-07-29
#4215e -
Marshallia trinervia
, Biltmore Herbarium (4215e) 1900-06-07
#4216e -
Monarda clinopodia
, [Anonymous] (4216e) 1903-06-05
#4218 -
Monarda didyma
, Biltmore Herbarium (4218) 1897-07-08
#4228 -
Nicandra physalodes
, Biltmore Herbarium (4228) 1897-07-28
#4231f -
Nuphar advena
, [Anonymous] (4231) 1903-05-28
#4235 -
Trillium cuneatum
, Biltmore Herbarium (4235) 1897-04-20
#4252b -
Oxalis montana
, [Anonymous] (4252b) 1897-06-23
#4253 -
Onosmodium virginianum
, Biltmore Herbarium (4253) 1897-06-17
#4263 -
Phacelia maculata
, Biltmore Herbarium (4263) 1897-05-12
#4290 -
Dichanthelium scoparium
, Anonymous (s.n.) 1897-07-05
#4295a -
Parkinsonia aculeata
, [Anonymous] (4295a) 1903-05-29
#4301a -
Paspalum plicatulum
, [Anonymous] (4301a) 1903-05-28
#4302a -
Paspalum setaceum var. muhlenbergii
, Biltmore Herbarium (4302a) 1898-09-12
#4332 -
Philadelphus hirsutus
, Biltmore Herbarium (4332) 1897-04-27
#4332b -
Philadelphus hirsutus
, Biltmore Herbarium (4332b) 1897-06-25
#4344a -
Physalis cordata
, Chapman, Alvan Wentworth (s.n.) 1895-08-22
#4350a -
Taenidia integerrima
, Biltmore Herbarium (4350a) 1896-06-01
#4354b -
Pinguicula lutea
, Chapman, Alvan Wentworth (s.n.) 1896-03-03
#4377h -
Pluchea camphorata
, [Anonymous] (s.n.) 1903-09-04
#4379c -
Polemonium reptans
, [Anonymous] (4379c) 1903-05-18
#4385a -
Polygala ambigua
, Biltmore Herbarium (4385a) 1897-07-21
#4406 -
Polypremum procumbens
, Biltmore Herbarium (4406) 1897-07-02
#4413a -
Potamogeton mysticus
, [Anonymous] (4413a) 1903-06-08
#4428 -
Prunus caroliniana
, Biltmore Herbarium (4428) 1897-07-14
#4437 -
Ptelea trifoliata subsp. trifoliata
, Biltmore Herbarium (4437) 1897-06-21
#4441a -
Pycnanthemum virginianum
, Biltmore Herbarium (4441a) 1897-08-14
#4456h -
Frangula caroliniana
, [Anonymous] (4456h) 1903-05-26
#4457g -
Rhexia virginica
, [Anonymous] (4457g) 1905-07-17
#4463 -
Rhododendron carolinianum
, Biltmore Herbarium (4463) 1897-00-00
#4463i -
Rhododendron punctatum
, [Anonymous] (4463i) 1904-06-16
#4463l -
Rhododendron punctatum
, [Anonymous] (4463l) 1909-09-11
#4472 -
Rhynchospora pallida
, Biltmore Herbarium (4472) 1897-06-19
#4482e -
Ribes rotundifolium
, [Anonymous] (4482) 1903-07-14
#4483f -
Ribes glandulosum
, [Anonymous] (4483f) 1905-08-12
#4496 -
Rudbeckia fulgida var. fulgida
, Biltmore Herbarium (4496) 1897-09-02
#4510l -
Sabatia campanulata
, [Anonymous] (4510L) 1904-07-04
#4511a -
Sabatia brachiata
, Biltmore Herbarium (4511a) 1897-06-22
#4563g -
Ditrysinia fruticosa
, Biltmore Herbarium (4563g) 1902-06-04
#4567g -
Packera tampicana
, [Anonymous] (4567g) 1903-04-10
#4608 -
Solanum rostratum
, Biltmore Herbarium (4608) 1897-09-15
#4613f -
Solidago arguta
, [Anonymous] (4613f) 1909-09-15
#4617 -
Solidago puberula
, Biltmore Herbarium (4617) 1897-09-14
#4617b -
Solidago pulverulenta
, Biltmore Herbarium (4617b) 1902-10-10
#4622f -
Solidago hispida
, [Anonymous] (4622f) 1909-09-15
#4632b -
Euthamia caroliniana
, Ashe, William Willard (s.n.) 1897-10-00
#4634d -
Solidago glomerata
, [Anonymous] (4634d) 1905-08-12
#4668a -
Stylophorum diphyllum
, [Anonymous] (4668a) 1903-05-09
#4670g -
Styrax americanus
, [Anonymous] (4670g) 1903-05-05
#4689b -
Thaspium trifoliatum var. aureum
, [Anonymous] (4689b) 1903-04-27
#4699e -
Tilia americana var. caroliniana
, [Anonymous] (699) 1903-05-27
#4699f -
Tilia americana var. caroliniana
, [Anonymous] (4699f) 1904-06-30
#4701a -
Tillandsia usneoides
, Biltmore Herbarium (4701a) 1897-07-16
#4708 -
Triantha racemosa
, Biltmore Herbarium (4708) 1897-06-23
#4708a -
Triantha racemosa
, Biltmore Herbarium (4708a) 1897-06-23
#4726a -
Trilisa odoratissima
, Biltmore Herbarium (4726a) 1895-09-20
#4747e -
Uvularia grandiflora
, [Anonymous] (4747e) 1903-05-05
#4751 -
Vaccinium corymbosum
, [Anonymous] (4751) 1905-05-10
#4751e -
Vaccinium pallidum
, [Anonymous] (4751e) 1903-05-02
#4781a -
Viola fimbriatula
, Biltmore Herbarium (4781a) 1897-05-08
#4788c -
Vitis cinerea var. floridana
, [Anonymous] (4788c) 1903-08-17
#4974a -
Carex brunnescens
, Biltmore Herbarium (4974a) 1897-07-09
#4980b -
Hypericum ellipticum
, [Anonymous] (4980b) 1898-07-22
#4994 -
Platanthera grandiflora
, Biltmore Herbarium (4994) 1897-06-23
#5060 -
Vaccinium erythrocarpum
, Biltmore Herbarium (5060) 1897-06-04
#5060b -
Vaccinium erythrocarpum
, Biltmore Herbarium (5060b) 1897-06-04
#5090 -
Acer nigrum
, [Anonymous] (5090) 1899-06-20
#5107 -
Trifolium aureum
, Biltmore Herbarium (5107) 1897-08-09
#5132c -
Brayodendron texanum
, [Anonymous] (5132) 1903-06-09
#5136b -
Salvia texana
, [Anonymous] (5136b) 1903-04-21
#5137a -
Zanthoxylum clava-herculis
, [Anonymous] (5137a) 1903-04-18
#5140e -
Oenothera speciosa
, [Anonymous] (5140e) 1903-04-11
#5142a -
Styphnolobium affine
, [Anonymous] (5142a) 1903-04-17
#5145b -
Krameria lanceolata
, [Anonymous] (5145b) 1903-05-16
#5147b -
Penstemon cobaea
, [Anonymous] (5147b) 1903-05-18
#5150a -
Coreopsis tinctoria
, [Anonymous] (5150a) 1903-06-02
#5151e -
Eysenhardtia texana
, [Anonymous] (5151) 1903-06-13
#5178 -
Carex aestivalis
, Unknown (s.n.) 1897-07-02
#5207b -
Yucca filamentosa
, Biltmore Herbarium (5207b) 1897-07-05
#5230 -
Lathyrus odoratus
, [Anonymous] (5230) 1904-08-01
#5489a -
Trillium luteum
, [Anonymous] (5489a) 1904-05-03
#5543b -
Hypericum graveolens
, [Anonymous] (5543b) 1905-08-12
#5546a -
Juncus trifidus
, [Anonymous] (5546a) 1904-07-25
#5547 -
Ludwigia hexapetala
, Biltmore Herbarium (5547) 1897-07-06
#5564 -
Isoëtes engelmannii var. caroliniana
, Biltmore Herbarium (5564) 1897-05-05
#5616b -
Stenanthium gramineum var. gramineum
, Biltmore Herbarium (5616b) 1897-09-14
#5617a -
Vaccinium angustifolium
, [Anonymous] (5617) 1903-06-25
#5619b -
Acmispon helleri
, Biltmore Herbarium (5619b) 1897-09-01
#5622b -
Symphyotrichum prenanthoides
, [Anonymous] (5622b) 1903-09-24
#5624 -
Lobelia kalmii
, [Anonymous] (5624) 1901-07-00
#5630 -
Poa chapmaniana
, [Anonymous] (5630) 1905-05-04
#5645d -
Nyssa ogeche
, [Anonymous] (5645d) 1905-07-18
#5650 -
Solidago arguta var. caroliniana
, Unknown (s.n.) date unknown
#5664c -
Amelanchier sanguinea
, [Anonymous] (5664C) 1899-06-13
#5664d -
Amelanchier sanguinea
, [Anonymous] (5664d) 1899-04-29
#5682 -
Ribes curvatum
, Biltmore Herbarium (5682) 1897-04-16
#5683 -
Tofieldia glabra
, Biltmore Herbarium (5683) 1897-10-08
#5705r -
Viburnum rufidulum
, [Anonymous] (5705r) 1903-05-13
#5706 -
Ludwigia octovalvis
, Biltmore Herbarium (5706) 1897-07-02
#5707 -
Verbena brasiliensis
, Biltmore Herbarium (5707) 1897-07-02
#5714b -
Smallanthus uvedalius
, Biltmore Herbarium (5714b) 1897-08-19
#5719h -
Diervilla rivularis
, [Anonymous] (5719) 1909-09-29
#5723c -
Quercus x beadlei
, Biltmore Herbarium (5723c) 1897-06-25
#5731g -
Morella cerifera
, [Anonymous] (5731) 1905-07-15
#5785b -
Lechea pulchella var. ramosissima
, [Anonymous] (5785b) 1905-07-14
#5847a -
Erianthus giganteus
, Biltmore Herbarium (5847a) date unknown
#5894e -
Cardamine bulbosa
, [Anonymous] (5894e) 1903-05-01
#6227a -
Xanthium strumarium
, [Anonymous] (6227a) 1903-08-26
#6358 -
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii
, [Anonymous] (6358) 1897-09-30
#6358e -
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii
, [Anonymous] (6358e) 1909-09-26
#6414b -
Bothriochloa laguroides
, [Anonymous] (6414) 1903-06-29
#6529b -
Coreopsis tinctoria
, [Anonymous] (6529f) 1903-06-22
#6712 -
Asarum canadense
, [Anonymous] (6712) 1898-06-18
#6743d -
Gaillardia pulchella
, [Anonymous] (6743d) 1903-05-14
#6923 -
Erica tetralix
, [Anonymous] (6923) 1898-07-05
#6930a -
Diaperia verna
, [Anonymous] (6930a) 1903-04-18
#6931c -
Engelmannia peristenia
, [Anonymous] (6931c) 1903-04-18
#6954a -
Stillingia sylvatica
, [Anonymous] (6954) 1903-06-10
#6955a -
Senna roemeriana
, [Anonymous] (6955a) 1903-06-25
#6959b -
Colubrina texensis
, [Anonymous] (8959) 1903-06-12
#6961a -
Ziziphus obtusifolia
, [Anonymous] (8961) 1903-06-06
#7023a -
Cirsium undulatum
, [Anonymous] (7023a) 1903-05-28
#7093b -
Helianthus laevigatus
, Biltmore Herbarium (7093b) 1902-10-07
#7171a -
Scutellaria ovata subsp. rugosa
, [Anonymous] (7171a) 1905-08-12
#7614d -
Celtis lindheimeri
, [Anonymous] (7614d) 1903-08-29
#7771b -
Juniperus communis var. depressa
, [Anonymous] (7771b) 1909-09-25
#8129b -
Clematis pitcheri
, [Anonymous] (8129b) 1903-05-18
#8129q -
Clematis pitcheri
, [Anonymous] (8129) 1903-06-08
#8180h -
Coreopsis grandiflora
, [Anonymous] (8180h) 1901-05-20
#8216d -
Lobelia appendiculata
, [Anonymous] (8216d) 1903-05-09
#8423d -
Ptelea trifoliata
, [Anonymous] (8423d) 1903-06-09
#8498a -
Asarum canadense
, [Anonymous] (8498a) 1903-05-07
#8741e -
Rhododendron canescens
, [Anonymous] (8741l) 1909-08-19
#9190a -
Euthamia leptocephala
, [Anonymous] (9190a) 1903-09-04
#9223b -
Paspalum floridanum
, [Anonymous] (9225b) 1909-09-08
#9311b -
Gaillardia suavis
, [Anonymous] (9311b) 1903-04-18
#9347a -
Narthecium americanum
, [Anonymous] (9347a) 1905-06-28
#9534a -
Kalmia buxifolia
, [Anonymous] (9534a) 1909-09-15
#9635 -
Dichanthelium aciculare
, [Anonymous] (9635) 1905-07-09
#9882b -
Viola sagittata var. sagittata
, [Anonymous] (9882b) 1904-04-27
#9958f -
Dichanthelium dichotomum subsp. yadkinense
, [Anonymous] (9958f) 1909-09-15
#9962c -
Silene caroliniana subsp. wherryi
, Biltmore Herbarium (9962c) 1900-04-28
#9962h -
Silene caroliniana subsp. wherryi
, [Anonymous] (9962d) 1903-05-15
#10769 -
Viola sagittata var. sagittata
, [Anonymous] (10769) 1903-04-11
#10794 -
Cystopteris bulbifera
, [Anonymous] (10794) 1903-07-04
#10922e -
Hypericum prolificum
, [Anonymous] (10922e) 1909-09-15
#10923n -
Viburnum dentatum var. dentatum
, [Anonymous] (10923) 1905-07-10
#10966d -
Vernonia pulchella
, [Anonymous] (10966d) 1905-07-09
#10996a -
Pavonia lasiopetala
, [Anonymous] (10996a) 1903-06-19
#10997b -
Aloysia gratissima
, [Anonymous] (10997b) 1903-06-23
#11375a -
Cynanchum barbigerum
, [Anonymous] (11375a) 1903-06-20
#12903a -
Scrophularia lanceolata
, [Anonymous] (2903a) 1903-06-24
#14422 -
Rhododendron maximum
, [Anonymous] (14422) 1914-07-09
#14694 -
Amorpha fruticosa
, [Anonymous] (14694) 1902-09-25
#14694d -
Amorpha fruticosa
, [Anonymous] (14694A) 1903-08-19
#14694f -
Amorpha fruticosa
, [Anonymous] (14694) 1909-10-12
#14702a -
Dichanthelium dichotomum subsp. lucidum
, [Anonymous] (14702a) 1900-08-01
#14702d -
Dichanthelium dichotomum subsp. lucidum
, [Anonymous] (14702d) 1905-08-12
#14705f -
Rudbeckia hirta
, [Anonymous] (14705b) 1903-06-29
#14738b -
Penstemon laxiflorus
, [Anonymous] (14738b) 1903-04-18
#14739a -
Penstemon hirsutus
, [Anonymous] (14739a) 1903-05-14
#14750b -
Cynanchum racemosum var. unifarium
, [Anonymous] (14750b) 1903-07-01
#14765b -
Amorpha schwerinii
, [Anonymous] (14765-b) 1904-05-15
#14768 -
Salvia roemeriana
, [Anonymous] (14768) 1903-04-20
#14773b -
Phlox drummondii
, [Anonymous] (14773b) 1903-05-05
#14778 -
Baptisia sphaerocarpa
, [Anonymous] (14778) 1903-05-28
#14779e -
Forestiera pubescens
, [Anonymous] (4779e) 1903-06-17
#14781b -
Aesculus pavia
, [Anonymous] (14781b) 1903-04-20
#14783c -
Baptisia nuttalliana
, [Anonymous] (14783c) 1903-05-09
#14786 -
Vitis mustangensis
, [Anonymous] (14736) 1903-08-14
#14792 -
Nama jamaicense
, [Anonymous] (14792) 1903-04-18
#14797 -
Astragalus leptocarpus
, [Anonymous] (14797) 1903-04-14
#14808 -
Vitis cinerea var. helleri
, [Anonymous] (14808) 1903-09-06
#14809 -
Chaetopappa bellidifolia
, [Anonymous] (14809) 1903-04-18
#14818b -
Croton suaveolens
, [Anonymous] (14818) 1903-07-10
#14821 -
Paspalum setaceum var. supinum
, [Anonymous] (14821) 1903-08-14
#14822 -
Tilia americana var. caroliniana
, [Anonymous] (14822) 1903-05-26
#14823 -
Tinantia anomala
, [Anonymous] (14823) 1903-05-18
#14824 -
Prunus gracilis
, [Anonymous] (4824) 1903-05-12
#14845d -
Vernonia F1 hybrid
, [Anonymous] (14845d) 1905-07-19
#14855b -
Sagittaria papillosa
, [Anonymous] (14855) 1903-09-28
#14863 -
Monarda stanfieldii
, [Anonymous] (14863) 1903-06-06
#14877a -
Stachys latidens
, [Anonymous] (14877a) 1905-06-27
#14910b -
Phlox amplifolia
, [Anonymous] (14910b) 1905-08-29
#14926 -
Grindelia lanceolata var. texana
, [Anonymous] (14926) 1903-08-15
#14928 -
Callisia graminea
, [Anonymous] (14928) 1902-06-10
#14935a -
Liatris virgata
, [Anonymous] (14935a) 1904-09-08
#14936a -
Liatris microcephala
, [Anonymous] (14936a) 1899-09-01
#14951a -
Oenothera pilosella subsp. pilosella
, [Anonymous] (14951a) 1905-06-23
#14991 -
Crataegus basilica
, Biltmore Herbarium (14991) 1902-05-09
#47939 -
Wisteria frutescens
, [Anonymous] (47939) 1903-04-27
This project made possible by
U.S. National Science Foundation Award 1410069
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