University of Tennessee, Chattanooga Herbarium (UTC:UCHT)
Calycanthus floridus L.
Gabriel Murphy
United States, Tennessee, Hamilton, Booker T Washington State Park. 5801 Champion Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37416. The third past the entrance to the hiking trail parking entrance. A few steps east of the parking lot leads to a hiking trail. Follow the trail east for 50m. Take the left split and continue for another half of a mile. Collected 1m off the west side of trail just before the Chickamauga Lake shore. N 35.115224 W -85.171648
n 35.115224 w -85.171648
Elevation: 692ft. A single shrub around 6ft tall surrounded by other various species of trees and shrubs and alongside the shore of Chickamauga Lake. Showy, fragrant maroon colored corollas.