United States, Tennessee, Giles, Southwest of Pulaski, approximately 1.25 miles southwest of Hwy 64 and Hwy 11 intersection. Growing south of Reynolds Branch east of Short School Rd. and north of hillside immediately north Hwy 11 behind Flatrock Furniture store along a tributary of Reynolds Branch in open sloping, gravely cedar-glades that are W from spring rains.
Growing south of Reynolds Branch east of Short School Rd, and north of hillside immediately north Hwy 11 behind Flatrock Furniture store along a tibutary of Reynolds Branch in open sloping gravelly cedar-glades that are wet from spring rains
Growing south of Reynolds Branch east of Short School Rd, and north of hillside immediately north Hwy 11 behind Flatrock Furniture store along a tibutary of Reynolds Branch in open sloping gravelly cedar-glades that are wet from spring rains